What is this?
By Andrewr
I'm having a senior moment and can't think what this plant is. Can anyone identify this for me please?

17 Sep, 2009
Could it be a Neillia?
17 Sep, 2009
I thought leycesteria formosa too
17 Sep, 2009
No, it's not leycesteria or neillia (I grow both of those). I should have said - it was about six to seven feet tall with red stems and those are berries hanging from the branches that start green before turning red and then black
17 Sep, 2009
I will try this Callicarpa dichotoma ?
17 Sep, 2009
no idea but it looks lovely..;-))
17 Sep, 2009
What looks like my Chilean Honeysuckle, Latin name has drawn a blank right now.
17 Sep, 2009
no, definitely not a Chilean Honeysuckle, I think the latin name for that one could be Lonicera Hilbrandii. Sorry Andrew, not familiar with this at all. Where did you find it, is it in your garden??? Lose a label matey??
17 Sep, 2009
I'm off to the Botanics tomorrow, I'll see if there is anything similar there at the moment.
17 Sep, 2009
I was in the Loire Valley for a few days and saw it in a garden there.
I know I've seen this before (although it may only be a picture of it, not the real thing) but cannot for the life of me put a name to it
17 Sep, 2009
It called Phytolacca americana.
17 Sep, 2009
Poke Salad Annie Song by Elvis Presley. Real good story.
I had it grow up in my garden once, I believe it is poisonous.
17 Sep, 2009
Andrew said recently that no weeds dare grow in his garden who's going to tell him it might be poke weed?
17 Sep, 2009
Thanks Fractal - I'll be able to sleep now :-)
17 Sep, 2009
Is it as pretty as it looks Andrew?
17 Sep, 2009
We used to call it Inkberry as kids!
18 Sep, 2009
Is it poisonous to us,do the birds eat them ?
18 Sep, 2009
Inkberry is a nicer name Lotuswomen.
18 Sep, 2009
This was really Sherlock GardenerĀ“s chat...LOL.
24 Mar, 2011
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Off the top of my head, try Leycesteria, although I am probably a day or two more senior than you. LOL.
17 Sep, 2009