Can anyone suggest some planting ideas for a plot of approx. 0.5m x 1.5m
United Kingdom
The plot is in my back garden (southern facing), I don't know what type of soil it is but generally I don't have any problems growing in it. It is a raised plot by the side of some steps so I don't want anything too high in it but I also want low maintenance and low cost. I did think of alpines but I'm unsure if they will provide decoration all year round. Any suggestions gratefully received.

20 Sep, 2009
I think that Skimmias might suffer in a south-facing position...they prefer some shade. So do vincas - but lavenders (especially the french ones) and other heat loving plants would be happy there. A dwarf silver leaved Artemisia, Catananche, Erysimum like 'Bowles' Mauve' they'd all look great together! Nerines would be good as late flowering bulbs - they love this sort of position.
20 Sep, 2009
Skimmia, Lavender, Hebe, Fuschia, Heathers (depending on soil type),Pieris, Vinca to trail over sides. Thses are some that come to mind. Non of these would be too high or high maintainance. Also you could plant some spring and summer bulbs.
20 Sep, 2009