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what is this small leaved plant?

West Midlands, United Kingdom

I found it today when cleaning up border preparatory to bulb planting (another day) when I came across this and can't think what it is although it somehow looks familiar8~/



Looks like one of the lamiums, though it does have very small leaves. I'd classify it a weed, though.

22 Sep, 2009


suppose it will have to come up:-( I was so careful with it too:-)

22 Sep, 2009


Good call Bamboo but it's Veronica polita.......yes, a weed.

22 Sep, 2009


I was just coming back to say it might be a Veronica! Thanks Fractal - I pull these out all the time, and strangely, they have a similar texture to lamium, but I've never bothered to find out what it is.

22 Sep, 2009


They do look like they are related I must admit.

22 Sep, 2009


Are you sure it's not an aubretia?

22 Sep, 2009


Or Arabis ?

22 Sep, 2009


I would say aubretia too.

22 Sep, 2009


It is absolutely not an aubretia, Andrea, nor Arabis, Louise. Sorry Jonathan too. I've spent half my life pulling this stuff out of people's gardens, along with chickweed and herb robert... I do not doubt Fractal's ID

22 Sep, 2009


Andrea, Jonathan and Louise, that's what I thought, although I haven't planted any. Do you think I should grow it and see? If you Fractal and Bamboo are right, will it be a problem to let it grow and see, as long as it's not like celandine ?

22 Sep, 2009


I must admit I thought aubretia....but if Fractal says not....then I believe him...:))

22 Sep, 2009


Well you could let it flower but don't let it seed or you will be pulling it out next year too.....and the year after that.....and the year after that....etc.

22 Sep, 2009


Oooh I've just googled it, it has a pretty blue flower it is definitely the grey field speedwell Fractal as you say. We have a grassed area in our cul-de-sac which the council cut. I've seen the daintiest blue flowers at the edge of it. Now I know where it came from. I suppose I'd better get it out:-( I accidently dug it out today and carefully replanted it! :-))))

22 Sep, 2009


It is an attractive wild flower, but just not in your flower/bulb bed perhaps.

The worst species though (and it's an absolute pain for me) is Veronica persica the Common Field Speedwell. That is a true weed of disturbed ground like Shepherds Purse, Chickweed etc. The seed lies in the soil waiting it's chance to spring up. Still haven't got rid of it yet!!!!!

Grudging respect I suppose.

22 Sep, 2009


The thing about the above two, is that they are easy to pull out, I don't know veronica persica. if the little one I have is like them, I won't mind it so from now on I've resolved to be ruthless, so it will go. Thanks for all your help everyone:-)

22 Sep, 2009


This thread/question/post shows us how much we need the experienced and professional gardeners on here, a perfect example of talking and learning :)))

23 Sep, 2009


Is herb robert a weed? I love it we bought some in the srping beautiful

x x x

23 Sep, 2009


and so peaceful Louise

x x x

23 Sep, 2009


I let it grow at will in my garden - it tumbles over the walls and is beautiful in late spring. Don't seem to have a problem pulling it out when it has finished flowering.

23 Sep, 2009


Mookins, yes, it is, but what's a weed? A plant in the wrong place! So if you like Herb Robert - then grow it! I like Feverfew in my garden - some would say that's a weed...

Yes - what's that sound??....

Happy gardeners, that's what! :-)))))

23 Sep, 2009


Some have even had the audacity to call my beloved welsh poppy a w.. we.. wee.... it's no good, I can't bring myself to say it, cheek! ;-)))

23 Sep, 2009


Yeah, the welsh poppies in my garden seed all over the place too but I like them, especially at their peak in May-June.

24 Sep, 2009


Goody, another member of the welsh poppy appreciation society:-))

24 Sep, 2009

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