must appologize
By Blah13
United Kingdom
i am a new comer Robert is the name from Belfast. Came across your site looked thru and saw how helpful everybody is. Look forward to speaking to you all soon.
26 Sep, 2009
thank you. Dont suppose you have any ideas on the layout of the bulbs that ive ordered. I kinda gave a bit of a long list earlier. Just i so missed gardening so much from years past when i lived in the country and i have such a new lease of life for it again now. thank you again for your kind welcome
26 Sep, 2009
Hi Robert... which list of bulbs would that be? Ah found it:-)
26 Sep, 2009
Hi' Robert and welcom yes this is a grate site, allthough reading me and one or two others you will think you have taped in to bedlem, the only thing I can say at this point about what you are doing is look at the hight the bulbs are expected to grow and put the talest at the back .shortest in the frunt, like'snowdrops in the front up to cut flowers at the back, the same with the follow up plants and put your colours in groops, either blend them or contrast them, up to what you like.good luck, nut oil and wintergreen for the back you know. ha ha
26 Sep, 2009
Welcome Robert, I'm sure you will find this site helpful and as you seem to have found already, friendly. Look forward to seeing some of your pics.
26 Sep, 2009
Welcome from me to Robert.
26 Sep, 2009
Hi Robert, hello from me too.
26 Sep, 2009
...and me! :-))
26 Sep, 2009
Guess what?
I'll join in to. Lol ;~))
26 Sep, 2009
Hi there! I'm a bit far away, but Welcome!
27 Sep, 2009
And welcome from me. I know from experience what a fabulous group the GoY members are. Never lacked a helpful and informative reply to all my questions.
27 Sep, 2009
Hello Robert I've just found the site too. They do seem a great bunch of people. As far as the bulbs go I grow them in 2litre pots or bigger so that I can place them where I need to in the garden border and if I don't need them there they go into a container on the patio.
Have a great time and enjoy your garden.
27 Sep, 2009
Welcome to you too Cestvalere just read your intro your garden sounds lovely do like water in a garden must be nice to have a stream?
27 Sep, 2009
x x x
27 Sep, 2009
Hiya Robert welcome to GOY we are a friendly bunch of people who all love gardening. If you have any questions some one will always have the answer. Happy gardening.
26 Sep, 2009