would like some help please :-]
By Blah13
United Kingdom
Like i said in my bit bout myself 8x2 foot box for spring bulbs. Any advice on do's & dont's of what i'm doing. This is the mix of spring bulbs i have on the way
Anemone De Caen x 45
Allium sphaerocephalon x 45
Iris dutch mixed x 14
Chionodoxa luciliae x 40
Oxalis 'iron cross' x 40
Tulipa tarda x 5
Narcissus 'jetfire' x 5
Salome x 30
Iris histroides katherine hodgkin x 25
Double daffodils mixed x 30
any ideas on layout ???
26 Sep, 2009
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spring bulbs
You need to check the heights mentioned on the packs that the plants will reach when growing and plant accordingly - no point putting taller ones at the front and short ones at the back. Also bear in mind the flowering times, this may affect what you put where. Narcissus, by the way, prefer a bit of dappled shade to full sun. Chionodoxa flowers later, usually in about May, and the Tulip tarda is a short growing one. Oxalis Iron Cross is more of a leafy plant, doesn't really get going till May, flowers a bit later. Plant in clumps; so your 5 Narcissi should be planted as a clump, not spaced out all over the place - they look much better like that, and more natural when in flower.
26 Sep, 2009
Welcome to GoY, Blah.
If you can place your box so that you can walk round it then the height of the different bulbs won't matter so much.
As Bamboo says bulbs flower at different times. You have a nice range of flowering times in your selection eg Kathrine Hodgkin will flower around February and the allium and Dutch Iris not until May/June.
Check the web and try to get a spread of flowering times across the box ie don't have all the early ones at one end of the box and the late ones at the other.
Good luck with it.
26 Sep, 2009
If as Bulbaholic says there is no front to your box I still think you need to put the short ones along the edges or they will be lost under the foliage of the taller ones.
26 Sep, 2009
Drc726' you are right , if you can walk around the box well yes talest in the middle and grade down to the outside,I did not mention it because I wanted to respect bla13's intelagence, we tend to over do it a bit just like our mothers when people say I need a little advice, we tend to hold their hand and take them across the road when they have only asked for directions''
27 Sep, 2009
Female response, Cliffo - we can't help it! I do it in the belief its better to be over informed than under informed...;-))
27 Sep, 2009
you could be right Bamboo,I allways think when someone is going to grate lenths to explain sumthing to me ,this person must think that I am a right thicko, so I tend to draw back a bit incase they think that I am talking down to them, but you are proberly right, we are both cairing in our own way.
27 Sep, 2009
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Just scatter them informally and i'm sure they will look lovely. they need to be planted at least twice the depth of the bulb.
26 Sep, 2009