I find peanut shells in the garden and find them sprouting in my tubs
By Lilypad
United Kingdom
Birds have dropped them I suppose but will they thrive in our climate?
26 Sep, 2009
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No red squirrels in this part of Monmouthshire (NP26) unfortunately. We do have quite a few grey squirrels visiting us although our garden is very small. They plant peanuts in my tubs - then they dig in the tubs to see where they have hidden their stash. At night I have to take the birdfeeders off the tree because they trash them every time. They do have their own 'squirrel feeding station' in the garden but they like to try their luck everywhere. When they don't behave, I have a plastic bottle full of pebbles that I bang on the wall. They know that this means GET OUT. They are funny to watch though. I think I'll try and cultivate these peanuts that they bury instead of throwing them.
26 Sep, 2009
You can buy peanut plants (nut is below ground) I had one years ago but I cannot remember what the plant was like
26 Sep, 2009
Drc726 the other name for them is ground nuts, they grow like potatoes, Sprog if you try please let us know how you get on I have thought about it in the past.
26 Sep, 2009
I have grown peanuts before. They do need warmer than average summers to do well so are best grown in containers.
Interesting in that though in many ways they are typical Legumes, the yellow pea type flowers give way to the usual pods but these then bend down and force their way into the soil. They then continue to develop below ground connected by their little umbilical.
26 Sep, 2009
This sounds so interesting Fractal - I will certainly have a go after reading that. Cliffo - I will definitely keep you informed. I'm going to try from tomorrow on in the greenhouse to start with. Wish me luck.
26 Sep, 2009
i have grown them with the girls and put them into the green house. we got one pod two peanuts. hardly worth the effort but good fun.
26 Sep, 2009
This is fascinating, Iwould certainly like to see a blog about how they have done, perhaps next year?
26 Sep, 2009
I'll do one Ian :-)
Seaburngirl, how could you only get two pods? That is very unfortunate as I got loads off mine.
27 Sep, 2009
this is lilypad, and I was puzzled why every year my bulbs had to be replanted daily. Now I know why. I will cherish the sprouting nuts and see what happens. My garden is always full of shells and whole peanuts. Grey squirrels I'm afraid as I line in Monmouthshire.
27 Sep, 2009
Hi Lilypad, and welcome to GoY. I have a similar problem with my onions, every spring when I plant my onion sets the birds (pigeons usually) think they are worms or something and pull them out again. I spend at least an hour every morning re-planting them. Lol
27 Sep, 2009
I know the very bird that droped them, it is called a squirrel, people feed them with nuts the squirrel will cairfully examen each one if there is a flaw in the shell he will peal it and eat it, but if the shell is intact then the squirrel will bury them, they do grow but I have not heard of them doing any good,that gives you somthing to look out for you have squirrel's viseting your garden I hope they are red ones.please let us know if they are.
26 Sep, 2009