By Sunshinegirl
United Kingdom
Hello everyone!
Sorry I caused confusion by putting my photos on the wrong page. OF course my orchids had nothing to do with my question about begonias just thought you might like to see them. Thank you for advice on overwintering the begonias,they are all tucked away for the winter. Hope they perform well next year.
My next question is about planting a clematis. I have just been given a clematis called "The President" is it safe to plant outdoors now or should I wait untill next spring? its in a pot looking very healthy.
27 Nov, 2012
As long as the ground isn't frozen, plant it out now, remember to plant it a couple of inches lower than it is in the pot, should be no problem, Derek.
27 Nov, 2012
Crosseed again Bamboo, lol both on the same page though, Derek.
27 Nov, 2012
And you added something useful that I forgot to mention, Derekm, that is, burying it deeper - which means, sunshine girl, planting deep enough to bury a couple of inches of stem.
27 Nov, 2012
I always bury them a couple of inches deep then put pea shingle round the stem and put some big stones round them as they like their roots kept cool. And yes, plant now before the frost. :0)
28 Nov, 2012
Trouble with stones or slate round the stems is that they are the preferred homes of Clematis worst enemy, the snail.
28 Nov, 2012
I never put anything at the base of mine, but that's because the roots are up the back of the border, behind other plants, which naturally provide shade.
28 Nov, 2012
A very keen Clematis grower once told me " Never move a Clematis, they hate being moved."
So make sure you plant it in a permanent situation.
29 Nov, 2012
Owdboggy. Good point you have there about the stones and snails, thanks for that :o))
29 Nov, 2012
I dunno about that Diane - I've moved clematis before and its been fine. I once had The President which spent 2 years in a pot, got planted out, dug up and moved a year later, then moved again 2 years after that. Big, big rootball the last time I moved it, I wouldn't attempt it now!
29 Nov, 2012
Thanks for all your helpful replies
29 Nov, 2012
Get it in the ground now, before it gets colder, unless your ground is waterlogged. If the ground freezes later in the winter, you won't be able to plant it then.
27 Nov, 2012