By Wildrose
United Kingdom
Can you help please? I have read differing versions of how to prune dogwoods to get the best seasonal colour from them.
What is YOUR advice?
We have two types some with red stems and some with lime green stems.
27 Nov, 2012
The idea of the coloured stems is to provide interest during the winter months. So leave the pruning until spring. As soon as you see signs of new shoots, cut them back hard IMMEDIATELY. Don't think, "I'll do it next week," because by then it will be too late.
27 Nov, 2012
I agree with Andrew on this.
The coloured stems of dogwoods are seen at their best when leafless. Cutting them down now means you miss their beauty over winter
27 Nov, 2012
Cut all my winter bark colour down towards the end of march and like the others, i cut it back hard. The more new, young growth you get in the spring, the better the winter colour.
28 Nov, 2012
I do mine just as the leaf buds break. the new growth has the best colour as already mentioned.
28 Nov, 2012
I cut now to get cuttings...and leave most of the plant showing all winter for colour. Pruning in Spring is the agreed choice but anytime now till spring is fine.
28 Nov, 2012
I now know how to proceed and really value all your advice and guidance.
Thank you very much indeed.
28 Nov, 2012
I just pruned some and now is the perfect time. I prune to just above a bud to the height I want. Keep doing that it the red or lime green will stay on the plant as over the years the older parts tend to lose colour. If you want more Dogwood then stick the pruned bits off as they root quite easily.
27 Nov, 2012