Seed exchange
By Wagger
United Kingdom
I put an entry for Potentilla Recta on here and when I looked at it, there was a bracketed entry after the name saying Aufrechtes Fingerkraut. I am totally bemused - why on earth has it done this? Presume it's German?
4 Oct, 2009
could it be that a member living in a German-speaking country posted a photo of it that was labelled that way?
4 Oct, 2009
It's put a strange name after my Malva Moschata too!
5 Oct, 2009
I have lost the way to the seed exchange! HELP!! I was going to take a look, and add some freshly gathered seeds.....
5 Oct, 2009
Easiest way is th put 'exchange' in the search box, Spritz.
5 Oct, 2009
Been there, done that, sent you a PM!!! LOL. I used my initiative, as I tried other routes (roots???? lol) with no success.
5 Oct, 2009
I just typed - seed exchange - in the search box and it worked for me SpritzeHenry
5 Oct, 2009
Yes, that's how I got there thanks, Denise. There used to be a link via 'plants' at the bottom of the page - but alas, no longer!
5 Oct, 2009
Spritzhenry have just been to the members page and seed exchange is on there 1/2 way down on the right its quicker than search.
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks! I'll take a look. :-))
5 Oct, 2009
Tried several "roots", hey Spritz, thats very topical !!
27 Mar, 2010
At least somebody laughed at my attempt at a joke! ;-))
27 Mar, 2010
Seems to be what its called in German, but why on earth it should insert the entry after the name, I have no idea. Extraordinary
4 Oct, 2009