HT Rose Black Baccara
By Mookins
United Kingdom
am pining after one of these beautiful roses, but cannot find any decent info on them. My main concern is them fading in direct sunlight as the area Im hoping to put it in is south facing and has sun (when its sunny) all day
x x
On plant
HT Rose Black Baccara
11 Oct, 2009
thats not the info I was hoping for
thanks very much for that though pip much appreciated.
will have to rethink this area then
will possibly purchase the black bacarra for a different area....just got to find one
thanks again
x xx
11 Oct, 2009
try it gives you a list of nurseries that will supply it
11 Oct, 2009
Hi, Mookins. Just phoned a good friend who knows a lot about roses. Says they can, indeed get a little paler in bright sunshine but don't let it worry you. Rain is a bigger problem. Blooms don't like it very much - rather like my Terracotta!
11 Oct, 2009
oh bless ya Ponty
that was sweet of you , you folks go to so much trouble its very good of you.
The trouble is though Norfolk does tend to be quite soggy as you know when it rains it certainly rains heavy....
decisions decisions....
x x x
11 Oct, 2009
In our experience they are a good colour, but go more burgundy in sunshine. They are actually designed to be grown under artificial flourescent lighting for the cut flower industry to maintain the best colour.
[edited to remove commercial link]
11 Oct, 2009
11 Oct, 2009
try cants of colchester , they specialise in roses 01206 844008 .They are very good i have had quite a few roses of them and had no trouble.
12 Oct, 2009
thanks ive got one on order now peeps
thanks to you all
x x x
12 Oct, 2009
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HI, Mookins I did a quick search for you on the net and Apuldrum roses sell it but don't rate them whereas other rate them for disease resistance etc. I always think Apuldrum give pretty honest appraisals. Most say the flowers spoil in the rain and from pics on one site it appears they go a lighter red in sun
11 Oct, 2009