By Naomi
United Kingdom
Does anyone know where i can buy a mistletoe plant?
11 Oct, 2009
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wild flowers
YDD is right - you can't buy plants. But you can buy berries and try to establish your own plants on trees. Look at www.mistle.co.uk who sell them
11 Oct, 2009
Best trees to try to establish on are apple and oak but remember it is parasitic so will be living off the tree.
11 Oct, 2009
Fractal did a brilliant blog on how to grow mistletoe. You should take a look :o))
11 Oct, 2009
Thanks Spindle :-)
Yes, click on my avatar picture and then select my blog tab and have a look. Much easier than you might imagine.
11 Oct, 2009
wow lean something new everyday
did not know this. how fab is that
im gonna have a read too
x xx
11 Oct, 2009
Haha, when I was a kid in Texas we would go around in December getting PAID to remove mistletoe from trees! Once the leaves were down, the brilliant green mistletoe was easy to spot it comes off easily. Then we would sell it for Christmas decorations. It was a win-win, but I never thought of growing it myself since it hurts the trees.
12 Oct, 2009
Hi Noeticblues. I have seen your mistletoes in Texas. I was in the Dallas-Fort Worth area based in Arlington and it grew on many trees over there including several of your oak species. The mistletoe genus there belong mainly to the genus Phoradendron and are used instead, as Viscum is not native to the usa being an old world genus. Some bright spark however introduced Viscum into California I seem to remember reading and they are currently trying to eradicate it as a foreign undesirable!
12 Oct, 2009
Wow, Fractal, that's cool. Thanks for the info!
13 Oct, 2009
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Mistletoe is a Parasite growing on trees Naiomi you can't buy them as a plant! if you have a tree you could rub the berry of the mistletoe into the bark of a branch and wait for the mistletoe to grow..
11 Oct, 2009