By Dwarf
west yorkshire,
United Kingdom
coul;d i ask what do i need to do to my garden for over winter .thank you x
On plant
18 Oct, 2009
hello Dwarf, long time no hear. How has your summer been. sounds like the garden has had a good time if you need to overwinter it :o) Muddywellies did a lovely blog. but if you need to ask about specific plants dont hesitate to ask.
enjoy the autumn too.
18 Oct, 2009
Hi from me too Dwarf did you move the shrubs or have you still got that to do? do you have any plants that might need protection from frosts?
Please do ask if you need specific plant garden advice as SBG has said.
I tend to do a lot of clearing up around this time leaves and other debrie apart from cleaning and storing pots I give my tools a bit of attention too. Lawn mowers good time to clean and inspect and get them booked in for a service if needed, empty the hose and store away. fences good time to inspect as you can get see/near them.
18 Oct, 2009
Hi Dwarf go and take a look at Muddywellies blog on overwintering your garden it gives good clear advice.
18 Oct, 2009