dog urine turning grass brown
By Cummip
United Kingdom
my lawn is being ruined by my dog urinating on it.I have tried using "keep off" granules.. no effect.I am now using dog rocks which seem to reduce the browning slightly.I take the dog elsewhere to urinate at night and in the morning but its the ones in between that are doing the damage.If I spot him urinating I soak the spot with waterAny suggestions.The dog is male but crouches to urinate
Only joined today and 16 answers already.Thanks for your replies.
The dog is 5 years old.I inherited him in March so we are gradually training him.He does tend to urinate in spots he has used before.
At the moment I am reseeding the brown bits as he produces them.
My next option is to turn on the sprinkler everyday to dilute the urine.

18 Oct, 2009
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dogs in the garden
from a pup it should be trained , I agree with SBG conpleatly but you should not leave his food so that he can get it any time and it should be put down at the same times every day then when you think he has had enough time, (they usualy clear there plate at once) then you must take him to were you want him to do his busness.allways after a meal's they want to please you so when he dose what you want reward him , no not chocklet, praise him by elongating your words like goooooood little doooooog, to scold him short sharp words but do not rase your voice and if you realy want to hurt hih tap him on the nose with a roled up paper they hate it 'and you might put a drop of jays fluid in the water when you swil the lawrn,
18 Oct, 2009
It is a problem and it would appear that you've done all you can. I doubt that you'll be able to train him like you can a cat but it's worth a try. There are several pots ect. on the way to the lawn but our dog Barnaby squats on the lawn too. I really don't know the answer.
18 Oct, 2009
I have told you the answer Heron I have trained a number of gun dogs among other things, but I take my hat off to you I have never been able to teach a cat any thing, they are too independ for me, were as a dog needs a head of pack and is eager to please ' I like cats but no one owns a cat 'there are a number of people that are owned by cat's.
18 Oct, 2009
with respect cliffo you have given your opinion. perhaps this isnt a puppy. there isnt enough info to give a full response. and as i am not a pet psychologist or as my little one calls them a dog whisperer i can only suggest what i would try.
18 Oct, 2009
SBG iDID NOT SAY THAT IT WAS A PUP JUST THAT IT WAS BEST TO START AS A PUP .MAY BE i did not make myself clear it is never to late o train a dog but as hey get older it take longer, and I do not think I disagred with you ,I WAS JUST ASTOUNDED THAT HERON COULD TEACH A CAT ANY THING, i WOULD LOVE TO KNOW HOW HE DOSE IT
18 Oct, 2009
build him a dog run is the only good answer and only let him in the main garden when you can tell him NO
18 Oct, 2009
no need to shout at me cliffo:o)
18 Oct, 2009
I agree totally with NP :) Dogs and lawns do not go together....keep your dog off the lawn by providing him/her with a fenced off "dog run"...or do what I did, and get rid of the lawn...
PS. And my dog is beautifully trained Cliffo...but she is deaf and partially verbal commands are not always the answer. Chocolate drops, treats and a big fuss are what she enjoys and responds to :))
18 Oct, 2009
SBG that was emphthis , because I thort that I had ofended you which I would hate to do and I would never shout at you ' Crazyd it sounds to me like your dog is a seniour like me, so it hase earned the right to pee were it wants, sorry madam got carried away.
18 Oct, 2009
No Cliffo, my dog is 2 years old, so not a "senior" just yet :) I was just making the point that not ALL dogs will respond to verbal command training...
18 Oct, 2009
PS Crazydi it's not you flying about by the clock on gardners click is it,lol
18 Oct, 2009
18 Oct, 2009
have you tryed a silent wistle, allthough you say that it is well trained so congrat's I have never had that problem , I did how ever teach my gun dogs with verble comands mourt wistle and hand signels, and was able to mix them up ,and I trained them to work with other people if they knew the comands, but I have to be honest my dog's taught me more than I tought them
18 Oct, 2009
the best run to have is a very slim one going right up the end of ya garden with slabs and a soak away at the end.firstly you obviously save your lawn.secondly you never have to cut there nails even my 11 year old springer has never had to have his nails keep the smell away from your house and its easy to hose doesnt take up much room and it can be easily hidden with the right planting.
18 Oct, 2009
capitals on e-mails is considered to be shouting. Thats why you rarely see them used on here cliffo. proper dg chocolate is fine and agree our human chocolate is posionous to dogs. didnt stop our terrier stealing our chocy biscuits though.
18 Oct, 2009
I know about the different chocks SBG I did not know about the higer case being ofensive, I put your initals in higer case as a mark of respect,as I do with the first letter of a persons name, and I realise that I am not the only one to have experance in training dogs 'but I do know what I am talking about ,and what I try to say is for the benefit of the person who ask the qoestion because they have a problem, and you can take it from me the way to talk to a dog is as I have said, the dog's prefer it and can understand you better,short words scold elongated words means to a dog that you are pleased with it, nothing that I say is for my grater glory but for benefit of dog and owner.
18 Oct, 2009
Back to the dog problem.
Try Green-UM tablets. You can find them on line and in some good pet shops. Good luck.
'Green-UMĀ® is specially formulated with a natural plant extract, which helps bind the ammonia present in pet waste, which causes lawn burn. It is this binding action that helps prevent lawn burn. Given to your dog on a regular basis will help keep your garden green and lush
Contains no chemicals or colour additives. Does not alter urinary pH, thus has no effect on kidney function.'
18 Oct, 2009
dogs are better with single sylable words but realy they are taking notice of the inner you.the way you are fealing to know if you mean something or not.they are experts at knowing how you feal as they have to be.dogs and cats learn much much quicker than people its weather they take you seriously enough to to take any notice of what your saying
18 Oct, 2009
just like children then np. :o))
what a lovely dog too. good on you for taking him on.
19 Oct, 2009
yes just like shouldnt move your ornements up to keep them out of reach you should stop the kiddies touching them on the lower shelves.realy the same as any mammal.lions for instance tell there cubs of in a way they mean and the cub instantly fully yes just like the saying goes a stitch in time saves nine lol take care bye for now . id have more dogs if i could but thats my limmit i think lol seaburn lol xx
19 Oct, 2009
Cummip, there really is only one way to stop your dog from fouling your lawn and that is to keep him off it. If you do not have an area suitable for a 'run' then I suggest taking him for more walks, as others have said, to the same place every time. I should imagine at five yrs old he is house trained and if you have recently 'inherited' him then all of this wee-ing is mearly scent marking of his territory and is not 'go-ing'
Scent marking has a very high content of chemicals that alert other dogs (by their odour) to the first dogs presence. You may even see him squat without doing anything, this is because he is trying to scent mark but doesn't need to go and literally can not bring any more urine into play. Once he has settled into his place he should stop doing it so often but in the mean time just keep him off the lawn.
I hope this helps.
20 Oct, 2009
de sexing him will also help a lot as it stops him having so much of a reasen to be terratorial
20 Oct, 2009
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I was going to suggest you wash it off but you already do that. Could you designate an area specifically for him and take him to it morning and evening until he recognises it.
welcome to GoY by the way.
18 Oct, 2009