Calling all Scottish GoYers
By Moon_grower
This isn't a gardening question, I simply wondered if we could all get together somewhere - Explorers Garden Pitlochry or RBGE... Thoughts?
21 Oct, 2009
Don't they just David...
21 Oct, 2009
:-) Keep me posted, Mg! When are you thinking of?
21 Oct, 2009
No plans yet... need to hear from some other Scots GoYers first.
21 Oct, 2009
as Bulbaholic is going to have to put his hand in his pocket' had you better check with him first lol
21 Oct, 2009
No Cliffo. Any venue has to be on a bus rout! We have passes that will take us anywhere in Scotland.
21 Oct, 2009
So Pitlochry and Edinburgh are a doddle :-)
21 Oct, 2009
As an exiled Scot, would iI qualify?...LOL Might be a bit of a trek though!
21 Oct, 2009
Izzy you'd be very welcome, but, as you say a bit of a trek lol
21 Oct, 2009
That sounds like a good idea Moongrower.
21 Oct, 2009
Okay so far just four of us... Alz, BScott and MadP???
22 Oct, 2009
I,d be up for that if it,s on my days off.
22 Oct, 2009
When are they Usernut?
22 Oct, 2009
They alternate, 4 on and 4 off.
22 Oct, 2009
okay will check in with you nearer the time... whenever THAT is :-)
22 Oct, 2009
I'm in!! RBGE sounds great too, I get a trip to my home town!
I'm in Uni Monday Tuesday, some Wednesdays & Friday, but can make sure I'm not working on the day, if I have a bit of notice! Or during uni hols is good! LOL!
24 Oct, 2009
Okay, can we all agree on RBGE? I think Explorers is, or will soon, shut for winter. What are good days for other folk?
24 Oct, 2009
I'm happy with that, I thought Explorers would be shut!
24 Oct, 2009
I work just three 13 hr days a week. Given enough notice, can request the specified day off in advance. :-)
What about Skillen. Macrimmon, & Co.?
24 Oct, 2009
I've pm'd Romneya & Maranddar!
24 Oct, 2009
Is that Edinburgh?
25 Oct, 2009
The Botanic Garden yes... does that work for you Skillen?
25 Oct, 2009
That's fine MG.
25 Oct, 2009
Has anyone told Mac??
25 Oct, 2009
Not me
26 Oct, 2009
I'll pm Mac & Bscott!
Lovely Kitty! What breed is he/she?
26 Oct, 2009
Pm 'd them! And Alzheimer!
26 Oct, 2009
Siamese MadP - you've obviously missed the stuchie on GoY today. Mr MB and several of us now have cat avatars. Mr MB's is of Felix our veggie garden cat... a big fat softy
26 Oct, 2009
EEEEK....nearly got left behind MG
Yes please I'm up for it!!!
Any idea where and when yet?
26 Oct, 2009
I DID miss the stushie, but I heard about it!
26 Oct, 2009
Hi Alz. looks like RBGE - no date set yet :-)
26 Oct, 2009
You did well to miss the stushie for it was pretty horrible... I doubt I helped MP.
26 Oct, 2009
RBGE is absolutely fine. As for date...any day OK by me really - but no TOO soon ....don't want some of you to have to push me round in a wheel chair.....LOL
26 Oct, 2009
Way things are going with my work load it will be several weeks yet... when are you going to be out of the wheelchair Alz?
26 Oct, 2009
You're really quite safe MG.... I even threw away the crutches should be fine by the end of Nov after I see my sawbones next!! Might even manage before....depending if metal fatigue doesn't set in again...LOL
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks Marie got your message and a great idea .
But would not like to drive on my own through to RBGE.
26 Oct, 2009
Quite agree Scotkat. no way would I drive in Ednburgh However....the bus is free for us OAP's but not so handy for about the train?
26 Oct, 2009
I've found Maranddar & Romneya's phone no.s & will call them tomorrow. Why dont we see if we can organise a car pool or something? (Cheek I've got- I dont drive, lol!)
26 Oct, 2009
Mr MB & I are planning on using the bus takes a while but free and parking near RBGE is v. expensive.
27 Oct, 2009
Is RBGE the best place? Mrs MB only suggested this to get the ball rolling - any better ideas?
RBGE now has parking meters on all the roads round about - expensive and short term!
Winter draws on so is this a good time or do we leave it until spring; anyone know of a good winter garden?
27 Oct, 2009
I think if we need to hold off until December for Alz. whom we really want to have with us then it might well make more sense to wait for a few more months until the weather is better.
27 Oct, 2009
Hi there MG..just tuned in ....and please don't hang around for me. ..I mean that folks!! Obviously Dec would be fine but I would agree about the weather side of things...Edinburgh in the snow could be pretty - but pretty off-putting too.. LOL However in fairness - the BG would be probably better early in 2010
No matter when - I will manage if I possibly can...H### or High-water that's a threat...sorry - a promise..:>>)))
27 Oct, 2009
Right now I think we would be better to wait a couple of months... What does everyone else think? And any other ideas for venue??
27 Oct, 2009
Personally Edinburgh sounds ideal as most routes (bus car or train ) in Bonnie Scotland lead there!
As for timing....there is always something going on at the RBGE ...especially in the glasshouses of course but perhaps the end of Feb/Beginning of March would also give people a chance to see what Spring has on offer outside the Snowdrop walks etc. There are fairly extensive listings of events etc. on their perhaps if that is where we do all want to go....we can have a look and see what appeals?
27 Oct, 2009
Sounds good to me Alz. if everyone else is happy :-)
27 Oct, 2009
Any of you guys (GoYs?) into snowdrops? Scotland is famouse for its snowdrop festival later in the winter and they are beautiful en-mass.Can I suggest Glendoick at the end of February might foot the bill?
Any other suggestions welcome.
27 Oct, 2009
Have to say I'm not keen love...
27 Oct, 2009
Have to say - nor me - especially as there is such a great snowdrop walk at the Edin BG.. Apart from anything else at is virtually on MP's doorstep...not much of a jaunt for her !!
27 Oct, 2009
So let's scratch that one... other thoughts or ideas folks?
27 Oct, 2009
I love the idea of RBGE, but I'm open to whatever's decided. As for Glendoik, I pass it every day!! LOL!
27 Oct, 2009
'K, just an idea.
27 Oct, 2009
And I still love you xxx
27 Oct, 2009
What a right pair of love-birds!!!
27 Oct, 2009
Awh -you wait until you meet us... lol
So we are still thinking RGBE and early March or late Feb?
27 Oct, 2009
Aaaaw! Sweet!
We still love you too, Mr MB!! Lol!
27 Oct, 2009
Sounds good to me!!
27 Oct, 2009
And me - for sure!
27 Oct, 2009
Great Alz will you check out possible events?
27 Oct, 2009
Will do MG...looks like the snowdrop walks (half hour and free) are just in Feb.
Much better opening times start 1st March...when presumably we might - with any luck - see the end of the Snowdrops for ourselves.
We can always book a group tour of the gardens and glasshouses hour and a half...but that might not appeal to all. However if we did that en masse in the morning - it would leave us the afternoon to do our own thing!!
There is of course plenty "eateries" on site ha ha!!
I'll read up - but anybody else got any inside info? Some of us might be members/friends of the RBGE
28 Oct, 2009
Sounds good Alz. Mr MB and I are friends of the RGBE and I know enough of the staff from being secretary of the SRGC to get us in behind the scenes if we want that...
28 Oct, 2009
OOOH...great...I leave it to you then - you do what it takes, MG Sounds fab!!
28 Oct, 2009
So we need a date folks or a couple at least... 21 March would work for us but would be late for snowdrops. Otherwise any Saturday in March is a go.
28 Oct, 2009
Sounds OK for me...some folk might find Sunday travel a bit awkward.
I will leave it to the majority to set the date...being retired (very!) I can usually fit in!!
28 Oct, 2009
The one Saturday that isn't a 'go' for us is 20 March, and your right Alz. Sunday travel, especially by public transport isn't a good idea.
28 Oct, 2009
Which leaves Sat the 6th or presumably weekdays are out for those that work? Anyway - we will see what others have to say/ I say "I'm free"!!! (In my best John Inman voice...LOL)
28 Oct, 2009
That is why I thought a Saturday but if the majority want a week day it isn't a problem for us, I can always take a day off.
28 Oct, 2009
The 13th would be better for me than the 6th, I'm told I've a concert to organise for then!! Weekends ARE better for me normally, but I dont have classes from the 8th to the 14th. So could go any day that week!
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks MadP. - knowing the way mine and Mr MB's diaries fill up can we finalize this fairly soon please.
28 Oct, 2009
Tricky for me, folks, due to work/travel and living in the middle of almost nowhere without private transport, but I hope it goes well and that you manage to have a great day, somewhere in this bonny land!
28 Oct, 2009
As said, can make myself available any day of the week, if given some notice. Perhaps, realistically, March is best, for Spring plants etc. Am a great fan of the Scottish Snowdrop festival, but don't mind if we miss the displays. In any case, can go myself. I drive all round and through Edinburgh all the time. At this point, I shall gladly offer to take passengers (albeit only 3 , of course). If anyone not happy to drive in the city, my interim suggestion is to meet at a "Park and Ride" carpark - say, Inverkeithing, Fife )both bus and rail link), where we can meet and I'll happily drive you to RBGE. There is an underground multi-storey car park just 10 mins walk from the gardens, which would be less than £10 for the whole day - cheaper than meters which, as Mr MB says, does not allow enough time. Won't make anyone walk for 10 mins either (all downhill on the way, and uphill back). Would drop off and colllect) :-))
31 Oct, 2009
Sounds good to me David I'll be seeing my contacts at the RBG on 14th so will see what they suggest then.
1 Nov, 2009
What a generous offer David. Much appreciated...and love the bit about not having to walk up or down the hill too LOL Actually I would have to come by train I it is a fair drive from Aberdeen ..and the buses don't fit in.
Looking forward to meeting up though.
1 Nov, 2009
Me too! I love the idea!!
David, if the less mobile among us need a lift, I can bus it to Edinburgh. Alz, I think you could get off at Inverkeithing!
1 Nov, 2009
Hi MP...I thought Haymarket station was just 10 mins away from the RBG's. Maybe my memory and maps are all skewiff... but Inverkeithing is on t'other side of the river chum!!!! I don't fancy an early morning dook thanks...LOL
1 Nov, 2009
LMAO!! I meant for David to pick you up!!
1 Nov, 2009
Oh - right !! Thanks but poor soul - he may have a car load already!! We can see nearer the time but as I say - the train comes in to Haymarket just a few minutes away from the RBG.. Obviously if there is a spare seat from Inverkeithing that would be great !!
1 Nov, 2009
:~)) We'll see what David says, it'd take longer to get there from Haymarket than 10 minutes unless you got a taxi!!
1 Nov, 2009
Oh ...fear not I intended to.....wouldn't want to waste my energy before we started the day...LOL
1 Nov, 2009
Lol! Quite right! I'd walk down, but its my hometown, so I know the shortcuts on foot, the roads have changed direction so often, I hate being in town in a car!!
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks to the pm from Madperth, I've found this thread - sorry I missed it earlier. I'd love to meet up with you all sometime and the weekend is best for me. Be warned though - anyone driving should be aware that we are getting a tram system and they're digging up the centre of town.
6 Nov, 2009
Great! You found it! Lol!
6 Nov, 2009
They've already done the bit by the Botanics though, haven't they, Mum.
6 Nov, 2009
Yes, thanks for that. Meeting up sounds like a good idea.
6 Nov, 2009
As most will be coming from the North, it shouldnt cause too much difficulty!
Have we sorted out a date yet?
6 Nov, 2009
Great! I'll talk to some of the botanics folk next Saturday and set something up Mum... Im Ammah or Ommah i.e. grandmother :-)
Patience Marie - need to talk to the bods at RGBE first - will get back as soon as...
6 Nov, 2009
Do you know, it's terrible but I had to google the route of the tram system! It looks as though they've not gone near the Botanics although they may have rerouted traffic that way while they were working nearby. I'm at the West side of Edinburgh and it wont make any difference to me if we have a tram system or not! It does go out to the Airport but it's not affecting the road I use.
6 Nov, 2009
I shall be patient, Mrs Moonbulb!!
6 Nov, 2009
Good lass...
6 Nov, 2009
:~)) Thanks miss!
6 Nov, 2009
More like an hour's walk from Haymarket!!!!!! Keithsmum! I work in Corstorphine, so know well, and Gyle area too. Easy to pick you up, too, if required.As Waverley and St Andrew's Bus Station, and my fave carpark, all close together, and only 10 mins or less from RBGE, there would be no prob driving anyone to the venue. It's all downhill to RBGE from there, but very steep, and even steeper (seems) getting back up!! Would be happy to be the GOY "courtesy bus" service, if we can fix a date. Don't mind making a couple of trips, either - and avoiding the tramworks!!! :-))
7 Nov, 2009
I'll see them a week to day and will get something moving - unlike the tram works lol!
7 Nov, 2009
I know what you mean ...I am sure Edinburgh have bitten off far more than they can chew......financially at least....hope it is all worth it... and that is debatable!!
Been down to Edinburgh a couple of times this year and it seems to get worse not better. My friends there say the best road in Edinburgh right now is the one out of it!
Thanks David....I will probably come by train....and will drop off where ever it suits YOU. I really appreciate that offer...hopefully no zimmer or tripod by then ...LOL
7 Nov, 2009
Two years ago they were doing a lot of work at the top of Inverleth Row (Ferry Road down to Herriots), I understood that it was part of the tram works.
7 Nov, 2009
Must have been a practice run - now it's all for real! And, on the suburban approaches, they have signs saying "Visit Edinburgh City Centre, for Leisure and Pleasure" - LOL. They went way over budget when the first holes were dug - a very troubled project, indeed. Some of those holes will become bottomless pits, financially, am sure.
Look forward to hearing back from that. MG!
You're very welcome. Alz! :-)
8 Nov, 2009
Is there a date decided for us all to meet up yet
8 Nov, 2009
Not yet Scotkat, I'll see my friends from the RBGE next Saturday and will talk about with them then. We're looking at a Saturday, probably early March.
8 Nov, 2009
Excellent idea, Mg - I'd be "up for this". Anywhere suits me, but the warm glasshouses at RBGE sound appealing right now. :-)
21 Oct, 2009