my mum's wish after she died was to have her ashes put in a pot with a plant. Any ideas please?
By Shoddi
United Kingdom
we live in mid-essex, garden faces west, sheltered on all sides.
23 Oct, 2009
As its west facing, I assume it only gets sun post lunchtime - what about a Pieris Forest Flame, or one of the variegated ones? Or a Camellia? though both of these like acidic soil, you'd need ericaceous compost.Otherwise Phormium "Dazzler" or similar, all good container plants, all evergreen.
23 Oct, 2009
what a lovely idea
sorry about your loss, she must have been a real garden lover was she?
x x x
23 Oct, 2009
I wonder what plants your mum loved and grew maybe theres an idea there? The suggestion of Pieris Forest Flame would be a nice one as it has good all year interest. Or a patio Rose in your mothers favourite colour?
23 Oct, 2009
There is a short floribunda rose called "My Mum" which would do ok in a large pot
23 Oct, 2009
what was your mums name?
there are lots of plants that have been names. Fuschias as mentioned have lots with names on
Forest flame is lovely suggestion. such a Trooper too, mine has been bashed and knocked and dried out and soaked but doing brilliantly
x x x
23 Oct, 2009
It is a lovely idea. When choosing though, I would consider that it would best for the plant to be a long lived variety and one that was pretty tough.
Nothing worse than loosing a plant that has such precious associations.
24 Oct, 2009
In a pot the fuscia is hard to beat. If you want a larger, taller plant that exudes 'summer exotic' a Canna or Hedychium is hard to beat!!!
23 Oct, 2009