Sweetpeas & potting on
United Kingdom
Good Afternoon GOYers - some help please!
I have some sweetpeas which have finally germinated, and all are at different stages of growth despite being planted at the same time - some have just germinated, some are 3/4 inches tall. They have been sown in those peat pot things which expand when watered. My question is do I let them carry on in those, or if not, at what size should they be potted on to small pots?
Some of the seedlings are short container peas, is it ok to put them on straight into the intended container? Also - how many do you put into a standard sized pot? The rest of the seedlings are everlasting peas, so I want the best start possible so they come back every year. Thanks.
25 Oct, 2009
Pinch out the growing points when there are 4 pairs of leaves, as well.
25 Oct, 2009
ooh i'd forgotten that. good advice spritz.
25 Oct, 2009
25 Oct, 2009
Thanks both - I knew I could rely on you for sensible advice! By the way - with regard to those going into the pot - how much space roughly should I leave in between the seedlings?
25 Oct, 2009
Hmmm....I suppose I grow mine about 6" apart in the soil, but I haven't tried any in a pot....possibly closer together....are they going to trail or climb?
25 Oct, 2009
I've just come across this question and would make an observation that a sweetpea grower made regarding sowing seed at this time of year; don't pinch the tops out of the young plants, let them grow on as it will help them develop a good root system for next year. They can be pinched out in the spring. Hope this helps....that is if you have not already pinched them out....lol
26 Oct, 2009
Really? I am surprised! Oh well, mine aren't showing above the compost yet. so I don't have to worry about that! Maybe I'll pinch some...and leave some!
26 Oct, 2009
Oh no - already pinched out some as soon as Spritz told me to!! I will leave the others which are just starting I guess. It will be interesting to see how they all turn out. Thanks for the help :-))
26 Oct, 2009
Don't worry - I do it, as do most people - and this year, I had the best sweet peas I've EVER grown! :-)))))
26 Oct, 2009
Do you think it was the weather which helped - or your superior skills?? Come on Spritz please share the wisdom - I've tried for 2 years in a row - sowing the seeds in March and they've been disastrous - I was really disappointed as I bought the seeds at Chelsea each time too. That's why I thought this year - start the year before and if it still doesn't work - give up!! Can you give me some sort of idiot guide to the way you do it? Please! ;-)
27 Oct, 2009
I haven't got superior skills!!!!! I will tell you what I do, though. I hope it helps.
I soak the seeds over night, then plant them in newspaper pots in October, 3 seeds per pot, in the cool greenhouse. I DO pinch out the growing points when there are 4 pairs of leaves.
In the meantime, I dig rotted manure into the area round my obelisks. Then in the spring - April - I plant the whole newspaper pots out into the soil. The plants need to be tied to the obelisk as they grow - then they start climbing by themselves.
I make sure that I cut all the flowers, or cut off any that try to form seedpods, as the plant will give up if it's allowed to make seed pods.
I feed them every week or so with diluted tomato food once there's any flowers.. They have to be well-watered if it's dry, as well.
Is that enough info? I don't worry too much about tendrils - but I try to get the plants tied in safely in case of wind.
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Spritz - I see you have everlasting peas - can you remember if when your's were seedlings whether they looked weedier than any other sweet peas you grew? They seedlings are coming along nicely - but they look really thin and reedy, and I just wanted to check that that was normal!
8 Nov, 2009
Sorry, Mw - I can't help there. I inherited them! I think you should ask another question with a photo. Somebody will know!
8 Nov, 2009
Previous question
« I have 2 large carrier bags of very fresh horse manure. I know I can't use it...
i chose pots that are as tall as poss. they dislike root disturbance so when at the 4 leaf stage pot on. peat pot into the new pot and then backfill. i would then put them somewhere cool, cold frame/greenhouse unheated.
the short container ones could go into their final pot as it will avoid futher disturbance come the spring.
25 Oct, 2009