Want to buy Purple Loosestrife seeds from fellow gardener
By Arandall57
United States
I'm trying to get some Lythrum Salicaria seeds (Purple Loosestrife). Any garden lovers out there who could ship some seeds to the USA? I'd be more than happy to pay - - it was my favorite plant back home & I can't get any locally...
On plant
Lythrum Salicaria
28 Oct, 2009
I realize this is classified as invasive. I actually have a hothouse that I keep my isolated plants. The local arborist has given a thumbs-up for this planting situation...
28 Oct, 2009
If as you say you are going to do this in a controlled environment shouldnt you get a licence? and get the seed fron a registered supplier in the USA?
28 Oct, 2009
I'm surprised that it's invasive in the USA as it isn't here. It's a great contributor to the colour in my pond, not only when in flower but the leaves turn red in Autumn. It grows on the banks of our local river and it's not increased during my lifetime.
29 Oct, 2009
Its not native to Britain Heron. The purple loosestrife has been introduced into temperate New Zealand and North America where it is now widely naturalized. Infestations result in dramatic disruption in water flow in rivers and canals, and a sharp decline in biological diversity as native food and cover plant species, notably cattails, are completely crowded out, and the life cycles of organisms from waterfowl to amphibians to algae are also affected. A single plant may produce up to three million tiny seeds annually. Easily carried by wind and water, the seeds germinate in moist soils after overwintering. The plant can also sprout anew from pieces of root left in the soil or water. Once established, loosestrife stands are difficult/costly to remove.
29 Oct, 2009
Gosh I see what you mean Drc, I wonder where it originated and why it doesn't spread so here?
29 Oct, 2009
I think its a different plant here Heron as "European wand loosestrife" (L. virgatum) are the same species but the plants sold are sterile.
Purple loosestrife is a model of successful biological pest control. Research began back in 1985 and today the plant is managed well with a number of insects that feed on it. Five species of beetle use purple loosestrife as their natural food source and they can do significant damage to the plant. So I am confused as to why he would want seeds?
29 Oct, 2009
I know verry little about it I must confess but I thought this was only a problem in the wetlands of north america
29 Oct, 2009
Cliffo the question if from The USA
29 Oct, 2009
"If as you say you are going to do this in a controlled environment shouldnt you get a licence? and get the seed fron a registered supplier in the USA?"
You are proposing a lot more complicated of a process than the situation warrents.
Perhaps I was thinking of the European Wand Loosestrife which looks essentially the same. Either way, I am unable to get seeds here - - people tend to generalize and, as you can even see on this website, paint everything with a negative brush.
"So I am confused as to why he would want seeds?"
I can assure you Drc726, this is not some terrorist plot to overthrow the environment of the USA. I just had the flowers in the garden back home and would like to continue enjoying them.
By the way please do not assume everyone is a 'he' - I am a 52 year old female.
Getting back to the original question - is anyone able to send me the seeds? It appears the sterile variety are the ones that grow in the garden (I'm sure Drc726 will correct me if this is not accurate) - so this should not be an issue.
29 Oct, 2009
This was your reply - 'I realize this is classified as invasive. I actually have a hothouse that I keep my isolated plants. The local arborist has given a thumbs-up for this planting situation' So why the need to isolate it - you mentioned this. Are you now saying you want something else?
29 Oct, 2009
I'm still seeking clarification to a small degree. I honestly don’t have the time or energy to do an in depth research on the differences between Purple Loosestrife and European Wand Loosestrife. From your prior post it sounds like they look the same, but one is a ‘no-no’.
I am thinking that I have grown up calling a plant ‘Purple’ instead of ‘European Wand’. If I have offended anyone, I apologize.
As I had said previously, I have had them in my garden. I didn’t go extensively into the details –
1. there were no problems with spreading in the garden
2. when I settled in the USA I was told the Purple Loosestrife were invasive
3. I talked with a local plant expert and he said there was no problem with plantings in a greenhouse (maybe he was thinking of ‘European Wand’ – I don’t know)
Again, I apologize – I didn’t intend to turn the growsonyou site into a battleground. As this has turned into a larger issue than I have time to deal with, I’ll probably wait until I head home next year and buy seeds at that time.
29 Oct, 2009
excuse me drc726 with due respect I did a little resurch on this plant the other name for it is spiked loosestrife latin name lythrum salicaria of the family lythraceae and north america is not the america you think I am geting a little fed up with people on hear thinking that I am a silly old codger, like some one on hear thort that I did not know what a laylandi is have said it on hear befor and i will say it agine if i don't know what i am talking about i will keep my mouth shut and other people should follow my example
29 Oct, 2009
Arandall, I agree it's confusing to say the least when someone assumes you are a male/female wrongly. I have asked the organisers to look at it. Meanwhile I suppose in the meantime we'll have to be content with being a hermaphrodite, Lol As for the 'Loosestrife' I'm more confused than before but I'm thankful that whatever variety mine is I think it's a cracker. It has never self sowed and I've always split to obtain another. I hope one day you get your plants Arandall.
29 Oct, 2009
I am surprised you want this as? -'Many organizations throughout North America have taken action to control the spread of purple loosestrife. Their response has been characterized by unparallelled cooperation. National wildlife services, state/provincial natural resource and environment agencies, universities, nursery trades associations, and conservation and community organizations have responded to the purple loosestrife invasion by raising awareness of the threat posed by this invasive plant, and how to prevent its spread'.
28 Oct, 2009