By Drakey
United Kingdom
How long before a walnut tree bears fruit? The tree is 20 foot plus. the trunk has an 18in trunk circumferance 12in above the ground. Thanks for the advice even if it was abit scattered, note, the tree has had no sign of fruit flowers at all, maybe i should cut it down.!!!!
31 Oct, 2009
If all else fails, give it a good thrashing !!
1 Nov, 2009
don't know about walnut but my hazel had nuts this year for the first time , it was planted '99-2000 winter
ps something ate them before they ripened :~(
1 Nov, 2009
Lucky you Pam, they'll come in useful at Christmas. Do you have to pick 'em quick cos of Squirrels?
1 Nov, 2009
OK had a sleep, read up a bit for you, sweet (spanish) chestnut's, can reach 35ft in 20 years do grow to betwen 70 and 100ft, slow to fruit, grown in southern areas for nuts and timber but in northern areas it tends to be grown more for effect as a single tree or coppicing . has it had a pruning program ? there is a second type so need to know witch really.
1 Nov, 2009
Heron you don't pick them you gather them off the floor
1 Nov, 2009
That's not what I meant Cliffo, I'll google .....
1 Nov, 2009
" A woman, a dog and a wallnut tree
The more you thrash 'em, the better they'll be" Not my quote !
1 Nov, 2009
Cliffo Drakey is asking about a Walnut tree.
Drakey I'd take Herons advice and beat it!
1 Nov, 2009
can some please bring me in to the light, I thought it was about a walnut not fruiting in 20 years, and it is a fact that you do not pick the nut's , am I missing somthing
1 Nov, 2009
Cliffo you posted about a sweet chestnut 7 posts back...
The walnut has male and female flower so is self fertile... sorry know that does not help you Drakey.
1 Nov, 2009
Walnut trees are not native to Britain. They originate from South West Europe, Asia Minor and China. They will grow in ordinary soil, rarely in land where the subsoil is cold and waterlogged. Avoid frosty sites also. It has male and female flowers on the same tree (hence the beating). The flowers are wind pollinated. Many young trees do not fruit early as the male and female flowers are not open at the same time. To overcome this plant two or three trees together. We had little success with them in Sussex, but enjoyed good crops in Dorset.
1 Nov, 2009
There you go Dr B to the rescue again...
1 Nov, 2009
quot' a native of sothern europe and north africa the sweet or spanish chestnut (castaneasativa ) is now widely cultivated throughout europ. it ishardyin zones 5 to 9 . in southern areas it is grown for both nut's and timber but in northen areas it tends to be grown more for effect the common or english or persin walnut ( juglans regia ) is a native to china iran the himalayas and south-western europe and is hardy inzones 5 to 8,can be killed in a bad winterin zone 5. the eastern black walnut mostle grown in the USA, the person that wrote that rime was sadly miss informed' sorry I am still in the dark ,
1 Nov, 2009
This won't help in answering your question but if anyone is going to plant a new walnut that fruits freely, the variety 'Broadview' is excellent. It starts fruiting/nutting almost straight away and many of the young 5ft trees that we have sold have a green fruitlet on them. Another great feature of this variety is that it is dwarf (for a walnut) never really getting above 7m (20ft).
ps it also fruits by itself.
1 Nov, 2009
Useful info for anyone thinking of planting a walnut Fractal.
1 Nov, 2009
that sounds intresting Fractal. I was under the impresion that shall we say the common was slow to fruit, might have a look at that myself thank's
1 Nov, 2009
1 Nov, 2009
1 Nov, 2009
thank you Fractal
1 Nov, 2009
I have a friend in Sussex with a farm and she has a walnut tree between two fields - with no shelter and it had nuts about a month ago but they weren't ready to pick. The tree is approx. 10 feet high. Another friend down the road on another farm has loads of walnuts but has never had success with preserving them either pickled or dried. She gave up trying to do anything with them in the end.
1 Nov, 2009
the light has just come through, I was having a senior moment, I was talking about sweet chestnuts first then walnuts,/so read from the common english juglans regia.
2 Nov, 2009
maybe in these "politically correct " times you should give it a jolly good talking to! (after all we do talk to our trees.....)
2 Nov, 2009
I have just given myself a good talking too,
2 Nov, 2009
well done cliffo!
2 Nov, 2009
25 Jul, 2010
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I don't know but it has to be polanated first, is a lone tree
1 Nov, 2009