By Celiamaud
United Kingdom
Can anyone recommend a nepeta variety which is bushy and won't grow tall and straggle? And please don't mention Walker's Low, which isn't low and which does straggle! I want to grow some from seed for next summer.
15 Dec, 2012
Have you looked at 'Pink Cat'? There's a mauve version, too. They seemed to stay compact. I'm disappointed that you've found 'Walker's Low' to be straggly - I planted some in my new border because 'Six Hills Giant' had not been a success elsewhere in the garden.
16 Dec, 2012
If you find varieties such as Walker's Low straggly - perhaps they are not getting enough full sun? Another way to get them more compact is to shear back the growth a few times during the season. Mine was straggly because our three cats were constantly biting and rolling on it - so i now place an upturned metal hanging basket on it in spring, so that growth has a chance to emerge before they marmelise it!!
16 Dec, 2012
16 Dec, 2012
Thanks for the tip. I'll remember that. :-)
17 Dec, 2012
I thought I'd added a comment and 'thank you' yesterday but they don't seem to be here. But thanks for all you comments and tips. I'll certainly buy some 'Pink Cat', which sounds intriguing. As for 'full sun' for my 'Walkers Low', we don't get a lot of that here on the West coast of Cumbria! And this last summer we got evenless than usual, but I'll try moving it into a south-facing border next year AND cut it back regularly.
17 Dec, 2012
I know there are many different ones Celia, but I'm fed up with my 6 Hills Giant, very straggly, and not good for my small garden, I'm going to see what answers you get....:))
15 Dec, 2012