By Sammer
where can i buy hoya seeds ?
On plant
6 Nov, 2009
I don't know, seems it's difficult to get hold of - there is an International Hoya Society or Association - google hoya seeds and it should come up.
6 Nov, 2009
try just had a look they seem to have them
6 Nov, 2009
Oh really Cliffo? Just visited the site and they don't have them. The goodle word search puts them top of the list but it must just be the words seed or seeds that it is tagging onto.
I think Bamboo is right, contact a Hoya society such as Fraterna who may be able to help. They will probably put you in contact with a private grower who may be able to provide seed.
7 Nov, 2009
thanks all , i will do that , but i think you have to be a member in a society to get help , but i will try thanks again
7 Nov, 2009
Previous question
i am looking to buy seeds of hoyas , is there a place where i can buy seeds for hoyas
6 Nov, 2009