Is the sweet syrup that drips from this plant poisonous please?
By Htak
United Kingdom
Australian Hoya
On plant
Hoya australis
3 Jun, 2009
How do you know it's sweet?
4 Jun, 2009
I had a friend with this as a houseplant - she regularly used to lift off a drop and put it on her tongue - she's still alive and well!
4 Jun, 2009
My parents had Hoya at home, me and my brother used to lick this syrup daily all our childhood. I'm 30 now he is 27 all well and fine😉
25 May, 2020
Welcome GOY. I think it best to assume it is possibly poisonous as the family to which it belongs has some poisonous members.
Asclepiadiasceae. is the family , but that spelling may not be quite right.
3 Jun, 2009