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Hoya carnosa (Honey Plant)


By Meanie

Hoya carnosa (Honey Plant) (Hoya carnosa (Honey Plant))

Had to take another photo of this as the fragrant dew was oozing out all over this fresh bunch of flowers.

Comments on this photo


and the flowers are like velvet!

23 Jul, 2011


Such a great shot, Meanie. I'm still waiting on my one and only Hoya to bloom.

23 Jul, 2011


Amazing flowers Meanie...

24 Jul, 2011


Wonderful close up photo.. well done :o)

24 Jul, 2011


Thanks all!

24 Jul, 2011


I have three plants from cuttings and I can't wait to see the flowers!!! They are still small but I'm sure they want to show me their flowers.

24 Jul, 2011


They can be a little slow to get going........

24 Jul, 2011


That's really spectacular!...plant and photo!!!

24 Jul, 2011


Thanks - so was the scent!

24 Jul, 2011 it an exotic? Could I grow it in Africa? I love it!!

24 Jul, 2011


I would have though that it could grow quite well in heat - very much a house plant here.

24 Jul, 2011


Thank you,'s on the list :))
(off to equitorial Africa....)

24 Jul, 2011


Here's a genus for you to look into Karen - Ceropegia.

This one is a bit of a gem.............

24 Jul, 2011


Help!!! Now I'm away to do it......!

24 Jul, 2011


that's a real gem Meanie..

24 Jul, 2011


I think so too!

25 Jul, 2011



It's looking good! Hopefully, the ants won't get to it, like they do here.

25 Jul, 2011


It's kept in the kitchen over here Delonix.

25 Jul, 2011



It looked like it was growing outside. lol! :>)

Sometimes I just assume everything is growing outside like here in San Diego.

25 Jul, 2011


Easily done Delonix!!!!!

25 Jul, 2011


I also thought it was growing outside...because this plant usually likes a couple of hours of full sun to bloom well.

25 Jul, 2011


It is in a south facing window, so the one thing it's not struggling for is light. It is starting to struggle for space though!

25 Jul, 2011



Yes, this vine can grow quite large. You've seen the large ones (pics) growing up trees here.

25 Jul, 2011


I have!
The window is small, and the plant just keeps looping around itself, making it quite a compact specimen.

25 Jul, 2011


I'm glad you said it gets big as I was thinking of getting one for my's so lovely, but not for me if it gets big really big.

25 Jul, 2011


A brilliant photo Meanie, I bet your kitchen smells wonderful :o))

25 Jul, 2011



This vine has a tendency of becoming very tangled.

25 Jul, 2011


Don't give it any support and it will form a ball Karen.

Sorry Amy, I should have said that this is Sues plant.

25 Jul, 2011


Very tangled indeed Delonix!

25 Jul, 2011


These are great plants had one but it died had it for over 30 years.

26 Jul, 2011


I think that it was allowed to keel over after thirty years!!

26 Jul, 2011


Yes it was huge trailed along the ceiling on hooks got it from a brass shop when it closed down for free.

26 Jul, 2011


And filled the house up with perfume when it bloomed!

26 Jul, 2011



In pots this plant can be kept at any size.

Here in San Diego they grow in the ground and grow up trees or trellises and become large.

27 Jul, 2011



If they become to tangled (here in the ground) it can be cut back almost to the ground -- and it will regenerate new growth quickly.

27 Jul, 2011


It looks ok as it is to be honest - it keeps the old growth hidden.

Found this the other day..............

27 Jul, 2011



That's very nice!

There's many species and varieties available for sale here.

Here's my friend's nursery in northern San Diego County...he has several species available for sale. Do a search for Hoya and you'll see all the species

27 Jul, 2011


Hoya benguetensis is a bit of a standout!

27 Jul, 2011


Yes, it has very nice flowers. I like Hoya 'Red Buttons'.

27 Jul, 2011


Googled that and got many differing results!

27 Jul, 2011


Did they look similar to the one being sold at Kartuz?

27 Jul, 2011


Got it at Kartuz after removing the quotation marks! That's a lovely one!

27 Jul, 2011


Yes, I think I'm going to have to visit my friend...haven't been to his nursery in a while.

31 Jul, 2011

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