By Terryh
United Kingdom
Horticultural Shows.
Hi, some of you may or not know my hobby is growing and showing Dahlia's.
Are they any forum members who grow anything for exhibition, flowers or veg either for their local shows or nationally. :-)
9 Nov, 2009
Don't forget Moongrower and Bulbaholic!!!!! They show bulbs and alpines at national SRGC shows and their local show,
9 Nov, 2009
I'm sure there are lots of GoYer's who show their plants why are you asking Terryh?
9 Nov, 2009
Hi Moon Grower, just out of interest, they maybe someone else that shows dahlia's :-)
9 Nov, 2009
Sorry, you two Alpine people! I SHOULD have remembered! :-((((((((
9 Nov, 2009
No problem Spritz...
9 Nov, 2009
Ahem......only "thee and me" at the moment Terry....:))
10 Nov, 2009
I don't show but I like to visit them Tel :-)
10 Nov, 2009
Hello Plug....haven't noticed you here before....think I know who you are!!!
11 Nov, 2009
Hello Plug, is that you in the yellow overalls ? Picture taken at work then ? ;-)))
Very fetching ;-)
11 Nov, 2009
Looks like one of the tele tubbies to me - especially when you check the bigger pix... doubt it is plug somehow lol
11 Nov, 2009
Thats right Mg....he's not quite so
11 Nov, 2009
He'll kill us Alice ;-)))
11 Nov, 2009
He's got to catch us first
11 Nov, 2009
Thanks for all your replies. :-))
12 Nov, 2009
lol :))
12 Nov, 2009
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Marksbegonias does! One guess what he grows and shows! :-)))
9 Nov, 2009