By Suzypawz
United Kingdom
does streptacarpus does it die back in winter/flower over winter?
10 Nov, 2009
i have about 5 as indoor plants and they flower on and off all year. feed regularly and they like a leaf misting.
10 Nov, 2009
ah thanks for your helpful information, it,s my mum's friends plant and he wanted some advice as it's not looking very well at the moment, so iv'e given him your advice, thanks again.
10 Nov, 2009
He can take leaf cuttings from a healthy leaf - cut one into pieces about 2" long each, across the veins, and insert them into compost, making sure that they are the right way up, as they would have been on the plant.
New plantlets should appear in a few weeks, like magic! :-))
10 Nov, 2009
i have spent many a happy hour doing this over the years. the begonia rex type can be done this way too.
try sticking an african violet leaf stem up to the leaf blade into compost. this produces plantlets too. :o)
oh i must get a life!!!!!
10 Nov, 2009
LOL. Sounds like a very good one to me, Sbg! :-)))))
10 Nov, 2009
Flowering starts to slow down now....they like a rest over the winter. just a little water when they start to wilt. In the spring you can start giving a bit more water, and when flowers start to appear they can be fed; any tomotato feed will do. Any leaves that have flowered this season can be taken off at that time, they won't produce any more flowers.
10 Nov, 2009
Any leaves that break off by mistake - or are getting too long - if you don't have room to do the 2" pieces trick as Spritzhenry suggests....just stick the leaf in a glass of water and within a week or so - you will see roots forming.....a new plant and oh so easy!!
11 Nov, 2009
No - it's normally kept as a house plant, as it's not hardy outside. They should keep flowering in the winter indoors, too. Have you got a problem with one?
10 Nov, 2009