By Murielharper
United Kingdom
im new to gardening i was told to collect fallen leaves to make compost is this agood idea if so how much compost would produced if i filled a large bin liner. thanks
12 Nov, 2009
If you fill the bag to the top, in two years, you'll have about 2 spadesfulls of leafmould - but its still worth it! There's a blog with full instructions on this - its by Spritzhenry and is called A Recipe for Black Gold. Find it by typing Spritzhenry into the google custom search box at the top of the page on the right - select Spritzhenry's profile page, then blogs and then select the right blog. It's worth reading, contains full instructions.
12 Nov, 2009
Thanks Bamboo for the compliment! :-))
12 Nov, 2009
Can somebody organise it so we get 48 hours a day instead of 24. I googled "sprits blogs" and got so caught up reading about pelargoniums/geraniums both firm favourites of mine and the sweet peas in newspaper that i did not get to the compost blog. This site is so much fun. It is so easy to see how to do things when people like Spritz gives a master class in a blog. I won't wish my life away but roll on seed planting time.
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Madabout! What a lovely thing to say! I feel really appreciated. :-)))
14 Nov, 2009
And so you should
14 Nov, 2009
Previous question
Hi Muriel
Welcome to Goy...Your bag of leaves will make lovely leafmould to mix in with your compost or as a mulch round your plants. When your bin liner is full, sprinkle a little water on them (if they are very dry)....fasten the bag, prick holes all over the bag to allow air in and leave in a shady place.....this time next year you should have some lovely leafmould....good luck!!
12 Nov, 2009