United Kingdom
Cordyline Astralis Question?
I have a Cordyline Astralis that has produced 3 very large flowers. As the flowers grew the surrounding leaves on each flower stem began to die and fall. Eventually due to the weight of each flower I decided to cut them off in October as only a few leaves remained on each stem. Now one particular stem has lost all of lts leaves. Will they grow back? The other branches that did not flower look really healthy. Subsequently I have fed this Cordyline with Growmore. Can anyone else give me further advice?
14 Nov, 2009
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I don't know where you live, so can't judge whether this could have been a drought problem, which is possible, Otherwise, it may be that the flowering stems and their leaves have simply died back - if no growth occurs in Spring, cut off the dead limbs.
15 Nov, 2009