By Sanbaz
staining blackpool,
United Kingdom
can anyone id this shrub please it has lots of blue flowers in spring/early summer, it looks like berberis but cant name it, its driving me, spritz and bamboo. mad lol, as far as we know berberis doesnt have a blue flowering shrub

24 Nov, 2009
lol bamboo, i hope some else has got one then we will know for sure, ive been on the look out for my neighbour to ask about the blue flowers hehehh
24 Nov, 2009
Ceanothus has blue flowers but should still have green leaves.
24 Nov, 2009
well the leaves have gone red and falling now mr MB, i will look it up though, thankyou :o))
24 Nov, 2009
Ceanothus was my guess too but it does have green shiny leaves.
24 Nov, 2009
this had green shiny leaves but they go redish and fall till spring , thanx gaia
24 Nov, 2009
That description is of a Ceanothus, or at least that's what it sounds like. That is not the shrub pictured, though - from the look of it, I'd say it's suffered a bit from drought, and possibly not enough sun, needs pruning, and should have purplish leaves all year - IF, and only IF, it gets enough sun. If it doesn't it has green leaves. I think your neighbour has confused two different plants, Sanbaz - but we'll have to wait till spring to prove it!
PS. In fact, looking closely at the photo, I see something green behind the berberis on that trellis - I bet that's a ceanothus with the berberis in front....
24 Nov, 2009
well cant say we had drought conditions this year, plenty of rain and its planted in a sunny position to, think your right about prunning bamboo, and i cant honestly remember if the leaves were green to start with, so guess another picture when its in flower should prove we hope what this is, anyway i have seeds so may give em a go
24 Nov, 2009
Ihave added a ps to my previous answer, posted at same time as your response! Check it out...
24 Nov, 2009
bamboo your obsessed with the trellis lmso heheeh, i know its not that with blue, think im getting a migrane lol, i will be dreaming of blue flowering shrubs
24 Nov, 2009
Well, I'll be reminding you next spring ...
24 Nov, 2009
dont worry i cant wait to see it myself bamboo,
24 Nov, 2009
looks like Ceratostigma plumbaginoides to me via the photo, not 100% though.
24 Nov, 2009
thanx steve but i just looked it up and dont think it is that, this is about 6ft in height or there abouts and the one you say is ground cover, this has berberis type leaves to,, looks like we may have to wait till spring/summer for flowers then i will load another pic :o)
24 Nov, 2009
Yes, now that I look I can see the green shrub at the back, Bamboo. Maybe that is what is refered to.
24 Nov, 2009
mr MB please dont even go there lol, bamboo thinks its that plant thats blue, but believe me its the main shrub thats got blue flowers really , i will prove its not the back plant either when i get pic in spring or when i ask my neighbour what the trellis flower is :o)) lol
24 Nov, 2009
24 Nov, 2009
heheheh :o))
24 Nov, 2009
We are all agog to the spring!!
24 Nov, 2009
lol amblealice :o) well i promise to post a pic :o)
24 Nov, 2009
You'd better, my girl - or we'll all be up in Blackpool looking at it! LOL.
24 Nov, 2009
lol barbara,,;o)))
24 Nov, 2009
Yes...we could always have a forum convention there next year :))
25 Nov, 2009
YAY! In Sandra's garden! LOL.
25 Nov, 2009
25 Nov, 2009
im here and my neighbour brought a book round with the shrub in, it is a berberis and think she is getting mixed up as bamboo said, she also brought me a cutting of the blue shrub, she said it says yellow flowers in book but they are blue, so when i read and looked the blue is from shrub behind not this pic as she said, doh! i will explain to her when i see her next, so sorry to bamboo and barbara for all the confusion, im totally confused to lol, now im going to take a pic of the cutting so we can id it ok, :o))
25 Nov, 2009
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I remain utterly convinced, Sanbaz, that this is Berberis atropurpurea of some variety (can't see the leaves close enough) and that it doesn't have blue flowers, lol! ;-)))
24 Nov, 2009