By Lengie
Somerset. Exmoor.,
United Kingdom
what size should I submit my photos?
(Pixels or Cms please)
28 Nov, 2009
I can't even work out how to do a signature picture, let alone put photos on here.
28 Nov, 2009
Dear Mad,
In 'add photos' it only gives the size in gigabites, not the size in pixels. The gigabite size does not determine the physical size. For instance a 2 x 2 cm photo can have the same gig size as a 15 x 20 photo according to what format it is saved in or if it is for the web or for printing.
Most web sites are comfortable with a jpeg of about 500 pixels and this I shall use unless told otherwise.
Regarding my photo: The Museum of Art in New York borrowed the sculpture of Michelangelo's "David" for an exhibition and this was the result after a month in America.
I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror recently and noticed the similarity.
28 Nov, 2009
For avatars, size them at about 800 x 800, thoiugh I'll have to check, can't remember, might be 600 x 600 and for other pics for your photos section or a blog, somewhere between 800 x 800 up to 920 x 920, roughly. Hope that helps - if the avatar pic should be smaller, I'll let you know (when I've checked)
28 Nov, 2009
Welcome Lengie.I hope you don't mean you walk around with no clothes on,when you referred to the similarity of youself and David ! :o))) As I recall,he was much slimmer in Florence.Must be the junk food in America.Hehe.
28 Nov, 2009
My avatar is 433 pixels in height. Just posted a couple of 500 x 500 pix and they came out OK. Seems about the right size for future posts.
Thanks from Lengie. (Ex Londoner) now retired to Exmoor.
28 Nov, 2009
Just checked - avatar's right, 800 x 800 more or less, and but I've added pics that have been slightly over a thousand x less, but more usually 960 x 960.
28 Nov, 2009
All my pictures are 450 by 338 pixels and reduced in quality (File size) down to 50 kb or so. Even then it takes over 5 minutes to upload 3 of them. The quality as seen on most monitors is not that bad at that resolution.
Reducing File size is faily easy in Photoshop Elements.
28 Nov, 2009
I use 640 x 480 for pictures on any forum or web site.
28 Nov, 2009
Previous question
If you click on 'add photos' it tells you Lengie.
Wherever did you get that picture of the sculpture David gone fat?
28 Nov, 2009