By Pamg
east midlands,
United Kingdom
frost warning for tonight-- and its bitterly cold wind now-- time to be tucked up!
30 Nov, 2009
Thanks, I shall go to the greenhouse and get things ready for bed!
30 Nov, 2009
non hear in cheshire, but very cold,
30 Nov, 2009
Thank you Pamg for the warning, will tuck my self up so I dont sieze up my self hehe, do you know if its ground forst at all.
30 Nov, 2009
about -2 here tonight in the east midlands but the temp this morning was only 2.5 and a bitter wind reminded me to move pots indoors --I think that we've been spoilt over the last few weeks its been very wet but mild here
30 Nov, 2009
Noramally if it rains there is not frost, its the frost that kills plants not the rain, its cold here in Warwickshire county.
30 Nov, 2009
it was minus one and two here during last night and to go about minus 3 tonight again.
30 Nov, 2009
very cold here to, dropped so quickly, just checked my cuttings etc in my shed, bubble wrap on windows so hope they are ok.
30 Nov, 2009
Even here in West London, its freezing cold now - expecting hard frost tonight - London should be 2deg, but here I'm surrounded by fields, so we'll get colder than that - might be a chance to defrost my freezer, just about cold enough to keep the food outside while I do it, lol.
30 Nov, 2009
-2 in Kempston too tonight. Quite handy at nursery, we leave the milk outside bobbing about in a bucket of water as no poit in running a fridge for 4 pints of milk! It Did freeze last year which made the morning cuppa a '1 lump or 2' effort!
30 Nov, 2009
remember that as a child Nicky when the milk on the doorstep froze and the silver top was an inch above the bottle:-)
30 Nov, 2009
I remember, and I am seriously thinking on getting a milk man again, as I have heard they compress our milk to stop the cream from forming on the top, I always noticed that it tasted different and our milk does nt come from here in uk either.
30 Nov, 2009
Cream don't matter to me, I have totally skimmed milk anyway. I remember the milk in the school playground frozen solid at breaktime with the tops standing up - none of us would touch it!
30 Nov, 2009
You do realise girls we are all showing our age hehe haha lol.
30 Nov, 2009
Ach, who cares - as far as I'm concerned, it's all over bar the suffering anyway
30 Nov, 2009
i have skimmed to , hate full milk, not keen on semi either, i remember milk tops doing that to pam
30 Nov, 2009
plastic containers of milk are homogenised which i understand to mean that the cream is somehow distributed throughout and cannot float to the top as in the old (gold?) days-- thats why it has a long shelf life--I think....
cheerup Bamboosoon be spring ;~)
just the winter to get through :-(
30 Nov, 2009
long winter pam ;o(((
30 Nov, 2009
What suffering is that then Bamboo lol hehe.
30 Nov, 2009
Spare a thought for me in the wee small hours, meeting cars at Gatwick Airport in the freezing cold. Why do I do it? Oh yes it's my job!! Roll on retirement. I have just seen an ad. for heated electric underwear - might have a go at that!!
30 Nov, 2009
What suffering you ask? Oh, where to start, such a long list - all those things you can't do any more, either because your cholesterol's high, or your blood pressure, or your arthritis, or sugar shock, the failing eyesight, oh an endless list of stuff that'll get longer as time goes by - and that's without even mentioning the fact that, effectively me elastic's gone...
30 Nov, 2009
though I have, in fact, defrosted the freezer, cleaned it and put everything back, creaking knees or not, lol
30 Nov, 2009
Is that the elastic in your knickers gone lol hehe. you are on about.
30 Nov, 2009
No - in my body generally, you know what I mean, lol
30 Nov, 2009
I know but I bet you laughed he he. drink lots and eat a lot of berries.
30 Nov, 2009
LOL Bamboo, I know the feeling and the worst bit is the certain knowledge that things can only get even worse. Mind you, I don't much fancy the alternative................:o(((((
30 Nov, 2009
I assume you're referring to the Grim Reaper there, Lily - I'm not bothered about him at all, it ain't dying that scares me - its the last bit of the journey to get to it I'm worried about. They will insist on keeping us all alive, whatever condition we're in;-))
30 Nov, 2009
I don't think we've got too much to worry about on that score Bamboo, there's going to be so many of us 'baby boomers' they'll soon be glad of any excuse to send us on our way without any intervention. No the Grim Reaper's definitely not on my Christmas card list.
30 Nov, 2009
They are already doing it, in the hospital now quietly.
30 Nov, 2009
Oh, well that's cheered me up enormously, Lily - if only I could believe it, but you're right, it may come to pass! Just been outside - brrr... cold, bit of a shock after all this mild weather.
30 Nov, 2009
A mild winter makes a full grave yard as it does nt kill the germs an old saying
30 Nov, 2009
I always thought that, but its rubbish, apparently - when the cold arrives, it brings air down from the upper atmosphere or something, and that's full of mutated viruses and bacteria, so we're more likely to get sick after or during a cold snap than when its mild. Assuming you go out when its freezing - I try very hard not to leave the house until it warms up!
30 Nov, 2009
Interesting I do know from a documentary last week they release the viruses purposely as the scientist around the world fear that they will end up being sold on ebay, one thought a virus was fantastic , how it can distroy the human and alter all our defences in our body, he was an elderly german scientist, the rest feared of them getting into the wrong hands. I don't worry about the outside, its shops with air conditioning worries me.
30 Nov, 2009
Yes, I must get my greenhouse heater out of the shed and set it up...if only it would stop raining long enough for me to get to the shed!! Also, must put the Lemon Verbena in the g'house.
30 Nov, 2009