By Greta
United Kingdom
I've noticed that I've got white mould coming on my newly planted fragranced honeysuckle plant and wonder what I should spray it with please.
2 Jun, 2008
Sounds like powdery mildew to me - all my honeysuckles are prone to that. I just remove affected leaves, but there are sprays you can get. The honeysuckle will be fine! I grow honeysuckle through other things, as it always looks a bit ratty at the base.
2 Jun, 2008
Thanks Caz I think what you've said is what mine is suffering with. I'll try what you recomend.
2 Jun, 2008
Forgot to add that you should remove all infected leaves & leaf debris, since the spores can overwinter in them. I don't put them in my compost either.
2 Jun, 2008
5 Jun, 2008
MMMM Sounds like you may have aphids on there. It usually comes out as a sooty deposit, but I have seen it as a white secretion.
Best bet to clear it would be ladybirds, or ladybugs in the US. Failing that, an organic spray of washing up liquid and water often helps. That sparay is also usful on brassicas to combat cabbage white butterflies and, I have been told, is good to combat mould on roses. I used that on my roses in the past.
2 Jun, 2008