By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
which Hebe is this? The photo was taken yesterday 5.12.09
Thanks in anticipation

6 Dec, 2009
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some of the flower clusters are quite rounded rather than elongated like the one shown. does that change the decision? they are less than 2" long too.
6 Dec, 2009
I guess not Seaburngirl, the flowers of 'Nicola's Blush' would generally be more elongated rather than rounded.
6 Dec, 2009
That's very pretty!
I have that Hebe I call 'my favourite'. I trawled all through the Hebe Society website, which has photos. I think mine is 'Wiri Charm'. It's a good clear site - why not see if BS's suggestion is correct?
6 Dec, 2009
thanks i will give that a go at work tomorrow. should be able to squeeze in a half hour at lunch :o)
6 Dec, 2009
Make sure you get a break as well! ;-)
6 Dec, 2009
Looks like "Great Orme" to me
7 Dec, 2009
Its a beauty, whichever Hebe it is..:>)
7 Dec, 2009
No, not Great Orme, got it downstairs, nothing like it, has narrower, longer flowers, narrower leaves, and its currently 8 feet high and wide. Could be Nicola's Blush, but there are now so many hybrids, hard to say.
7 Dec, 2009
growing conditions can make a remarkable difference. At first I thought the leaves were too rounded to be GO but if you look closely they do seem to be longer and narrower in parts.GO has brownish stems as opposed to green but i cannot see them clearly enough here.
7 Dec, 2009
Can't get away from that conical flower shape though - Great Orme much narrower and longer flowers
7 Dec, 2009
PS I have just had a look on the Hebe Society website and GO flowers till october so could still be in flower now. Have a look at the site it talks about leaves being opposite on the stem and stuff which can jhelp narrow your search. Can you remember where you bought it they may be able to help.
7 Dec, 2009
i didnt buy it. i took a piece from one of the shrubs in the grounds where i work. I asked the groundsman and he said 'why its a pink hebe lass'!
so he wasnt any help.
7 Dec, 2009
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I'll have a stab, and say 'Nicola's Blush'...possible that the flowers may be a bit short for that variety though, so can't be sure.
6 Dec, 2009