By Debby
United Kingdom
hope you enjoyed 'Life' tonight. what glorious plants it showed!
7 Dec, 2009
it was stunning. a long while ago david attenborough did a series 'the secret life of pants' that was similar but ran over 6 episodes i think. all brilliant.
7 Dec, 2009
7 Dec, 2009
Amazing, fantastic - as always!
8 Dec, 2009
"Pants" was it, Sbg? hehehe
8 Dec, 2009
Lol. Bulbaholic... :o)
8 Dec, 2009
David Attenborough and his team ,brilliant' breath taking, SBG tut tut,
8 Dec, 2009
just checking that you were all awake :o)
oh ok my laptop has sticky keys: down to crumbs from the little one
8 Dec, 2009
SBG tut tut. ha ha
8 Dec, 2009
Sgb tut tut tut :o)
8 Dec, 2009
Did you all notice the longest living single life form on the planet, the bristlecone pine, Pinus aristata, nearly 50000 years old... once again, it's conifers up there again! :0)
8 Dec, 2009
... and that was one of the few conifers which was NOT planted by Bluespruce.....
unless you know otherwise ;o)
8 Dec, 2009
I'm not that old Tt!
As I'm sure you're all so interested in conifers :0), ...The oldest tree is a Pinus longaeva at nearly 5000 years old, longaeva has now been classed as a separate variety/sub-species to aristata. The oldest true aristata is only a mere 30000 years interesting was that then!!
8 Dec, 2009
mabe conifers are left because there there was more call for oak, now an old oak is somthing, the boat builders did not leave a lot, and there is more wild life in one oak as there are in a dozen conifers, not having a go at you Bluespruce, I just love oak trees,
8 Dec, 2009
No TV.
8 Dec, 2009
I found the twining plants fascinating especially the one that waved about until it found a hold-- but then coiled its tendril to pull itself nearer so that it could climb... and the photography was spellbinding !
8 Dec, 2009
how about BBCi through your PC Owdboggy?
8 Dec, 2009
Pam look at the common pea. and the blackberry, but I agree the time lasp was wonderfull,
8 Dec, 2009
Yes, Owdboggy, BBC Iplayer would be good for you - but I've got a feeling you're on dial up, aren't you? Not broadband? In which case it won't work properly and will be very expensive to watch.
Great programme last night, wish they'd repeat the Private Life of Plants - I have the book, but its not the same as actually watching it.
Private life of Pants! the mind boggles... could be a very funny blog, but probably not on here, lol;-))
8 Dec, 2009
Hi Cliffo I know that they move i've watched my cucumbers securing a hold but I didn't realise that they pulled themselves so strongly towards the support amazing!
8 Dec, 2009
And some things twine clockwise and others anticlockwise too!
8 Dec, 2009
I thought it was just bindweed that went anti clockwise, or maybe that's just in this country, thinking about it - guess other plants that grow in different climates might.
8 Dec, 2009
I'm watching it tonight - looking forward to it after reading all these comments! I loved the Private Life of Plants.....but I think the Private Life of Pants would be just as entertaining, if in a slightly different way! x-)
8 Dec, 2009
good point Bamboo I understand that water goes the opposite way down the plughole 'downunder' maybe one of our australian friends could enlighten us :-)
8 Dec, 2009
Not having a go Ciffo ? there's a thing :0)
8 Dec, 2009
That came up on QI a while back, water down the plughole - but I can't remember what they said, lol!
8 Dec, 2009
I did agree with you on sumthing Bluespruce, I carn't rember what it was, but there is nothing personal, you are a fellow gardner and you have my respect, but my spuds will allways be bigger than your's LOL
8 Dec, 2009
Not wrong there Cliffo :0)
8 Dec, 2009
water down plug hole is not affected by which part of the world you are on.[according to qi too.]
you can get the secret life of plants on dvd/video. hubby got it for me last year.
8 Dec, 2009
The water in a plug hole goes down either clock or anti according to almost anything other than which hemisphere one is in. The Corriolis effect which determines the spin of large air masses does not work at the level of a bath of water.
8 Dec, 2009
Ah, thanks - I couldn't remember whether they debunked the anti clockwise myth or confirmed it! Fat lot of good I am, can't retain the info so easily any more.
8 Dec, 2009
Just for the sake of throwing a big ugly spanner in the works, my sister has done an awful lot of travelling and she is absolutely positive that the water goes down the plughole in the oposite direction in the southern hemisphere ;-)
BTW watched Life last night - thought it was lovely :-) Although I was a little dissappointed at the end when they explained how they filmed the sequence through the woodland......I had thought/hoped it was for real!
9 Dec, 2009
I can't remember the programme but a presenter stood on one side of the equator and poured water down a plug hole.It went clockwise and then moved the 'sink' south of the equator and it went anti clockwise.
I love the Life series,the filming is brilliant and there are so many flora and fauna they are still discovering :)
9 Dec, 2009
Guess what, I saw a repeat of QI on Dave last night - it was the one where this water down the plughole thing came up - and Stephen Fry said it'll go anyway you like, you can make it go either way, he's tried it - and that answer is correct, apparently. but it doesn't tell us whether it automatically goes clockwise or anti clockwise in Australia, really. It's not what you can make it do, but what it actually does on its own that counts. So thanks Aster, for that.
9 Dec, 2009
Always goes down teh same way if you don't interfere with it...... ;-)
11 Dec, 2009
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Yes, thanks.... I made a blog about the show a few days ago :o)
7 Dec, 2009