By Bulbaholic
Do You Care About the Climate?
As you are probably aware, the climate change conference in Copenhagen is in crisis with world leaders, particularly east/west being unable to agree.
If you care about what happens to our environment you might like to see the link that I am posting.
I am now one of over thirteen million people who have signed this petition.
Will you join me?
(With appologies for bringing politics to this gardening site, but I do think it important.)
17 Dec, 2009
Hello, Bulbaholic,
Think, it's very important and I've joined you...Thanks for the info!
17 Dec, 2009
Did this already BulbA :)
17 Dec, 2009
~ just done it Bulbaholic! ~will get family members to do so!
17 Dec, 2009
Political? - vital to every one of us and where will our gardens be when the mean temperature is raised by up to five degrees? Prince Charles and Gordon Brown both go there - in seperate aircraft!!!!! Prince Charles in an aircraft of the Queen's flight and Gordon Brown chartered an Airbus, 283 seats for a couple of dozen people. What was wrong with scheduled flights - or even ferry and train? I could scream (in fact I just did).
17 Dec, 2009
Wagger' now it's geting political, Ba I joined this morning when you first came on, I can understand your fealings all those sasanacks moveing up to scotland, when the seas rise, LOL
17 Dec, 2009
The trouble is that many politicians I suspect think, oh well, I will be dead when this all kicks off. The thing is, many will still be here in twenty years when significant and quite probably irreversible organic (rainforest) systems collapse from drying out releasing their carbon dioxide, and tundra ice in Siberia and Canada melting releasing huge amounts of methane.
I was just listening to Jeremy Vine and a guest he had on gave a very persuasive argument for the scientific evidence for climate change citing all the above points plus many more. Two degrees warmer, that is the point of no return if the earth heats up by that. The earth is only two degrees warmer than when we had the last ice age, that is how narrow this window of comfort is.
Think of the earth more like your body. If it heats up by a further two degrees you die.
18 Dec, 2009
Well said Fractal... Mr MB knew this would bring me back :-) I signed too...
18 Dec, 2009
Great to see you Moon grower. Welcome back and do hope you stay.
18 Dec, 2009
Where u been MG ? id noticed your absence !!:/
18 Dec, 2009
I will be very low profile for the next week or two...
18 Dec, 2009
~ have a very happy Christmas MG and BA and let's all hope for a much better 2010 in every way!
18 Dec, 2009
Ok MG u have a Good Christmas & New Year :)
19 Dec, 2009
nice to know you are ok MG, have a nice christmas both of you,
19 Dec, 2009
incerdently anyone know what has happend to Heron'
19 Dec, 2009
He's got computer trouble Cliffo.
He's got an old spare one he's using but can't post anything on this site ! It won't let him !
I email him and he's fine, i'll let him know you've asked after him :-))
19 Dec, 2009
thank you Louise and happy christmas,
19 Dec, 2009
Merry Christmas Cliffo :-)
19 Dec, 2009
Nice to see Moongrower back on GoY... :o)
19 Dec, 2009
Absolutely - lots more chat in the New Year hopefully!
19 Dec, 2009
Previous question
Groan :(
17 Dec, 2009