By Solagem4
United Kingdom
i have an old apple tree and i wish to plant decorative climbers at ground level is it o k ?
20 Dec, 2009
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fruit trees
old apple trees and mistletoe go well togather, it is ease to get hold of at this time of year, and easy to grow, and in years to come you will have an abundance,it needs no soil , it ,needs no feading and it will save you money every year, so after you have had your fun with it at the office party, take it home ,and rub the berries in to a bough ,especaly were the bark is cracked,
20 Dec, 2009
I have an old apple tree, and I have trained a rose 'Zepherine Drouhin' and a Clematis 'Piilu' to climb through it with no problems. I tap in staples so that I can tie in the growth from the climbers.
20 Dec, 2009
mistletoe is a parasite isnt it cliffo and grows in australia quite a bit.i believe it gets set bye birds eating the yummy fruit for them and very poisonas to us .when it passes through there system the seed actualy gets stuck to the birds bum and they wipe it of on a branch therefore procreating .at the same time it also proves the point that one mans meat is another mans poisen and i do believe you about the goat cliffo lol .the sydney funnel web spider is the most lethal to humans of any spider especialy the male i believe but if it bights a dog its not much more than a wasp sting to it.and the flip side is theres a type of tarantula thats like a wasp sting to us but lethal to dogs how mad is that .
20 Dec, 2009
anyway if you keep arguing it will be pistols at dawn lol cliffo .
20 Dec, 2009
just a point of 'decorum' the sticky mistletoe seed sticks to the bird's beak. It then wipes its beak through the crevises of the bark. It takes 3-5 yrs before it will flower and produce berries. but np you are correct it is classed as a parasite.
20 Dec, 2009
what arguing NP? and I know about the funelweb, but I think that SBG has got it right about the birds, but to be honest I did not know that dogs were imune to the funelweb,and if it is pistols ,could you make it a bit later, it is damb cold at dawrn lol
20 Dec, 2009
Ha.ha...nice one Cliffo.....
20 Dec, 2009
yes and after spring it is i hope your as bad a shot as me lol cliffo
20 Dec, 2009
i hate to disagree seaburn but the australion one i watched definatly wiped the sticky seed of its behind on the branch and it was sir david attenbouragh excuse my spelling presenting the show .hes one of my heros
20 Dec, 2009
sorry sea burn but i quote
The word 'mistletoe' is of uncertain etymology; it may be related to German Mist, for dung and Tang for branch, since mistletoe can be spread in the feces of birds moving from tree to tree. However, Old English mistel was also used for basil.
20 Dec, 2009
Well I will willing accept what you say but I have seen Blackbirds wiping their beaks to remove seed. certainly if it passes through the gut it will have a good dollop of manure to help it on its way. :o))
20 Dec, 2009
probably both ways seaburn i think as i cant think your making it up anymore than i am xx
20 Dec, 2009
if you watch then all birds wipe there beak, allthough I surpose that birds in Ausie have to be cairfull were they wipe theirs.
21 Dec, 2009
yes most birds do wipe there beak .its the mistle (dung) toe (seed) that they swallow whole as a fruit as they dont have teeth and they are easily swallowed and quite a commen way of spreading seeds away for the parent plant . as seaburn sais with its own little manure pile . a very commen way of spreading for plants from the smallest of birds to the biggest land animal .the fruit however sticks to the birds anus excuse my spelling causing it to wipe its bum on the branch manure seed and all .you should watch the world of plants bye david attenbouraghe if not ill have a £100 bet with any takers lol .ive watched animal and bird programs all my live and if i could get on a plane i would be and naturalist and wildlife artist i think .get your wallet out or your jumper on cliffo old boy.owls dont wipe there beaks bye the way as they swallow mostly there dinner whole as do many birds of prey including the ground hornbill the biggest tioucan in the world .bye the way cliffo do you have any pistols lol .
21 Dec, 2009
I shair your intrest in wild life Nosey,and watch anything on it, and I am also intrested in the oceans and the life in them did you know that the biggest mountains in the world are benith water, and how do you know owls do not wipe their beaks, they feed at night, when David is asleap,I have a blunderbus but the duel will have to be called off as there is a robins nest in the way my pet hate is two, fish not big enough for the trawler but are crushed in the net anyway and wasted , and the people that advertise that their fish is caught on rod and line, what they realy mean is a longe line at least two miles longe and the rod is a thick pole keeping the line clear of the screw, the lines dround albertroses and pourpoise, I am catch and relise angler, and we fight these people all the time, we not longe ago won over the bass, trawlers were taking them nine and ten inches longe ,we managed to bring to the goverments attention that a bass must be five years old befor it can bread and by that time it would be sixteen inches longe, the ruselt bigger mesh, and the trawlers wanted to fish for tope ,we fought it ,now the law is you may not bring them ashore, so the most unlikly people are fighting for wild life,
21 Dec, 2009
nice one cliffo i admire that and im a bit of a night owl myself lol .yes i dont fancy a squashed robin with young hitting me at 300 miles an hour so summer it is lol .take care mate and have a good one .im going to grow mistletoe now im realy interested . ive just got to stick it down my dogs throat and duck tape his bum to my acer tree till mother nature takes course lol .
21 Dec, 2009
Ha Ha I don't know weather to be sorry for the dog or you,as you say you have got to have a laugh, I carn't recall who said it but it is true, the best medeson in the world is a good sleep and a good laugh, you look after yourself all the best
21 Dec, 2009
and you cliffo very good lol
21 Dec, 2009
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well i think so generaly .i have a climbing rose in my cherry but watch out for ivy as it will be realy quite invasive and can kill the tree .a lot of climbers have tendrills and what ever these get near they quite litteraly strangle though my tree is very big i have an ornimentle grape going up into it but i think if the tree was a lot closer to the grape and the tree smaller that it could become a problem.the rose has none of these so thats what i would suggest.anyway take care and have a great xmas .i would plant the climbers you do chose away from under the tree as it will be taking a lot of the goodness out of the tree.
20 Dec, 2009