By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Have you noticed?
A little while ago I asked the Boys if there was an easy way of finding out which new plants had been added by members. Well there is now. You can look at all plants either by botanical name, common name or date added. Click on a members plant list and select how you want to view them.
This is a brilliant development.
Thanks Peter/Ajay
22 Dec, 2009
Thanks Seaburn, just 'tested' the new development on your Garden section, this will be useful when you see your favourites have added new plants, as before, you didnt know what the new additions were.
22 Dec, 2009
Thats why i had contacted them so I could find new plants easier. Another pressie for us from the boys. :o)
22 Dec, 2009
I just tried your plant list Seaburngirl, and the new system is working well.
I reckon we'll see a number of improvements to GoY over the next couple of weeks. :o)
22 Dec, 2009
Do we take it the boys are on holiday now for xmas. This site just gets better.
22 Dec, 2009
What a good idea SBG, just checked it out, know sometimes its says on homepage when members have added new plants but can't tell which ones, now you can great :-)
23 Dec, 2009
Previous question
That is good SBG .To be honest I never looked at added plants because it was too time consuming finding the recent ones.I agree with you thanks go to Peter and Ajay :)
22 Dec, 2009