United Kingdom
Winter Kale. What is the future for these plants? I was supplied them this autumn from gardeningdirect.co.uk. I read in BBC Gardeners World magazine that there are also frilly edged ones which are available from garden centres, which apparently tend to fair better through harsh winter weather than these non frilly edged ones. MIne seem to be looking just slightly the worse for having had snow and ice on them. Does anybody have any experience of these, and are they likely to do any more growing? Will they grow more in the winter, or will they wait until the spring and do more growing then? The slugs have so far left them alone, but then I did give them a few garlic granules.

25 Dec, 2009
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Hi Moon Grower, Merry Christmas to you. I won't have a go at eating these beasties as they are said to be 'ornamental'. Hopefully they will prove resilient. I expect the worst winter can do is still yet to come.
25 Dec, 2009
Well if the weather gets any worse I am going to be sewing Mr MB into his thermals... seriously I think this is an blip in the weather and that they will be fine :-)
25 Dec, 2009
happy new year jonathan its a balmy + 4 here and all the snow has gone-- it was the snow on top of black ice that was the worry!
26 Dec, 2009
Don't worry Jonathan, they are very hardy and will survive, you may have to cut some of the damaged leaves off. If it snows on top of them don't brush it off. It is the sun on the leaves which does most damage when it is thawing out.
26 Dec, 2009
Thank you for that Doctorbob. I hope they get bigger. A very happy new year to you.
26 Dec, 2009
Thank you Jonathan and all best wishes to you and yours for 2010.
26 Dec, 2009
I grow them from seed every year and they always come through winter very well so good luck.
31 Dec, 2009
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Hi Jonathan and Happy Christmas I have no experience of ornamental kale but regular grown to eat kale can withstand frost and snow. When Mr MB & I had a croft in Aberdeenshire it was a winter staple for the goats, and us too!
25 Dec, 2009