By Moon_grower
Happy Christmas!
I hope Peter & Ajay will forgive me for this
copy and paste into your brower
25 Dec, 2009
Merry Christmas Mr and Mrs. MB..
Lovely card :o)
25 Dec, 2009
25 Dec, 2009
Happy Christmas to you both, Mr. and Mrs. MB! Very beautiful card...:)
25 Dec, 2009
A very Happy Christmas to you both. I have loved Jacquie Lawson cards for some years and this is one of the loveliest christmas cards I have seen.
25 Dec, 2009
Thanks Uma, I agree Wagger a wonderful and wonder-filled card.
25 Dec, 2009
I loved this one so much I sent it to all the people in my contacts. Thank you so very much. Merry Christmas to you both and a very, very happy and peaceful new year.
25 Dec, 2009
And to you Ian and your family...
25 Dec, 2009
~ really lovely ~ will send it on to my daughter too!~ I hope you have had a lovely day and best wishes for A happy and healthy New Year!
26 Dec, 2009
I love Jackie Lawson cards and so do the folk I send them too :-)
26 Dec, 2009
Same here MG :-)
Happy New Year from me and the cats :-)))
26 Dec, 2009
Happy Christmas and New from me too MG :-)
26 Dec, 2009
This is an enchanting card which I have revisited many times since I received it from Ian, it really deserves to be seen by everybody. Thanks for another look Moongrower. Happy New Year to you and Mr B!
26 Dec, 2009
Thank you Lily2 I'm glad you enjoyed it.
26 Dec, 2009
happy xmas and new year from leigh aka
26 Dec, 2009
finally got 5 mins to my self today. :o)
hope you and mister mg had a lovely day. best wishes for 2010 too.
26 Dec, 2009
and the same from me seaburn xx
26 Dec, 2009
We did SBG and Nosey - when we weren't coughing like mad... Crapy chest infections!
26 Dec, 2009
bless ya moon grower . im going to will you to feal better take care bye for now xx
26 Dec, 2009
Ta Nosey - we need all the support we can get...
26 Dec, 2009
your welcome trust me you will start fealing better . ask amy i did the same for her and it worked .if all oour minds are posative you be perfect for new years eve take care bye for now xx
26 Dec, 2009
We both 'think positive' but his has just about flattened us!
26 Dec, 2009
~ hope you feel better soon ~are you taking hot lemon honey and glycerine?with or without whisky~depending on whether you are taking paracetamol?
26 Dec, 2009
Thanks for this Carol, my wife was fascinated by it, decided to join so cost me £7 but worth every penny.
Hope you feel better soon.
26 Dec, 2009
hope you are both better soon. hubby has a chest infection too. hot toddies for him :o))
26 Dec, 2009
Bob think though that £7 allows you to send as many cards as you like for a whole year!
Arlene we're 'dosing' ourselves but I'll not say what with :-)
Thanks SBG
27 Dec, 2009
Yes I understand that is right Carol, what value for money. We sent it to our three children, even went to our daughter in Sark, they all loved it. Thanks again.
27 Dec, 2009
You are welcome Dr Bob... you can even set it to remind you of birthday's etc :-)
27 Dec, 2009
Hope you're both feeling a bit better today and are recovered to enjoy Hogmanay.
27 Dec, 2009
Oh well will enjoy Hogmanay no matter what!
27 Dec, 2009
Previous question
« merry christmas to everybody sorry it's been a while since i was last on but...
Thanks Carol, that was quite something! and a very Merry Christmas xx
25 Dec, 2009