By Weedpatch
United Kingdom
What annual were you most pleased with last year?
12 Jan, 2013
To my surprise,French Marigolds in pots..if I kept a rigid lookout for Slugs and snails..Cosmos,and Osteospermums..
all supposed to be warm weather plants..maybe they are learning to adapt to wet weather !...
12 Jan, 2013
Begonias in pots, amazed how they tolerated the rain, and flowered until November.
12 Jan, 2013
Cosmos "Purity". I have never grown cosmos before and they delivered on such a high level. I got dozens of plants from one packet of seed, and then THOSE seeded themselves, and I got a second batch which were still in full and glorious flower at the end of October. I hated pulling them up.
12 Jan, 2013
Nigella, Miss Jekyl, every year it self seeds and I love it. Many happy memories of my mum who loved it too.
12 Jan, 2013
The only annuals I had last year were 3 Petunias, and some Alyssums. The Petunias were hopeless, and I wasn't that pleased with the Alyssums.
All the other annuals I sewed failed :o(
12 Jan, 2013
Ageratums - never failed so far even in that awful weather.
Other annuals were like Hywels, failures
12 Jan, 2013
Begonias (always reliable), lobelias (late, but long-lasting) and cosmos (which I'd never grown before, and which were beautiful).
12 Jan, 2013
Interesting to hear several of you were pleased with Cosmos. I have thought about growing it a couple of times as it is so lovely but wondered if it would put up with alot of rain. Did it need staking?
I haven't grown Ageratums for years. Almost forgotten about them. Wanted to grow something blue this year so will put them on my list to think about. Thanks.
13 Jan, 2013
My Cosmos didn't need staking, but then they had their backs to a stone wall, so were quite sheltered. I think if they had got soaked by heavy rain, they might have keeled over under the weight.
13 Jan, 2013
Petunias I just love them and the self seeding Nigella of which I have a variety of colours
13 Jan, 2013
Have you tried the shades of pink nigella Drc? Like the blue they come from almost white to deep ruby pink. I have them in the back garden whilst the blues are in the front.
13 Jan, 2013
I got some seeds of these shades of pink Nigella in the post the other day, SBG - do they look as good in real life as they do on the packet?
13 Jan, 2013
Yes I have the pink ones and the dark blue ones too but not every year just when I think they have all turned white or pale blue back come the others.
13 Jan, 2013
I staked my Cosmos, they grew so tall and bushy..but there are shorter more compact must try them,they take so easily..and last well into late Autumn,despite the just have to deadhead them on a regular basis,for nonstop flowering....great gap fillers ..:o).
13 Jan, 2013
just as good if not better Gattina as you get the beautiful seed pods too.
13 Jan, 2013
My good growers were White Alyssum, Bidens, self set Calendulas and Cosmos too. This year I'm going back to Lavatera Silver Cup, and Larkspur, which self set for quite a few years, not so last year with all the rain though. Oh and Tagetes, I love the smell of them and they keep the aphids away from other plants.
13 Jan, 2013
I find Tagetes so reliable and cheerful and the seed is quite cheap compared to so many others these days. Another plus is that i don't think the cat from next door likes the smell, so he doesn't use the bed if i grow them!
Am I right in thinking that Cosmos like poor soil and not to be fed? I have seen some seed for shorter ones in reds, yellows and oranges, which I have never seen grown. If we get another grey, miserable summer, I need some bright colours in my garden to cheer me up.
13 Jan, 2013
We were pleased with Nicotiana langsdorfii and Cleome 'Violet Queen'. The latter grew to be enormous, 5 feet tall!
Also, Gazania 'Big Kiss' despite the cold and rain.
14 Jan, 2013
Yes, that's a plus point with Tagetes, so if you grow veg, have it among them, definitely keep the cats away!
I think Cosmos are quite easy on which type of soil you have, when the flower buds form though, I do feed them from time to time when feeding baskets and tubs, and then they seem to go on forever. I haven't seen the more vivid strains, shall have to look out for them.....the foliage is so beautiful too.
14 Jan, 2013
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Didn't grow any annuals last year, I've changed over to perennials, no doubt if I had I would have been disappointed with them due to the weather, Derek.
12 Jan, 2013