By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Chitting potatoes how, when to and why do we chit them is it to age them and bring on quick growth. I have just purchased a bag of Maris piper potatoes from wilkos and wondered when I should start chitting them.
19 Jan, 2013
Good points Snoop
19 Jan, 2013
In the past we have used egg cartons. dont worry about the potato going dark green or even purply this is normal too.
A couple of springs ago my daughter just put some spuds from the veg box into an old compost bag with compost and grew them that way. tasty too.
20 Jan, 2013
Thats how you get Blight. Seed Potatoes should come from a different region every year.
22 Jan, 2013
the spuds were from worcs so that will count as a different area surely?
22 Jan, 2013
As I understand it a responsible supplier will source seed Potatoes from different areas in the region he/she covers.
These are then transported 400 miles away to GCs to rotate the seed properly.
Plus if seed Potatoes are rotated on a 3 year system around everyone's garden they should be protected from disease. The only trouble I have had is when I bought from a superstore, Potatoes imported from The Netherlands where they had been sprayed because of damp, and the chemicals had blocked the growing eye on some of the seed. The only year in 32 that my Potato Crop failed.
The Irish Potato Famine was caused by them using seed from their previous crops, which caused Blight, and starvation in Ireland. So I wouldnt advise continued use of 'seed' from the veggie box.
22 Jan, 2013
Diane I am fully aware of hygeine in the garden but my daughter then 12 yrs old found some sprouting at the back of the cupboard and asked what would happen if they were planted. Delighted she wanted to grow something I encouraged her to grow them. They were a long term project that she enjoyed and we got something to eat. It was and is important that kids appreciate where food comes from.
also the blight that caused the irish famine wasnt just because they used the saved seed potaotoes. Or any seed for that matter. For centuries that is what has always happened and still does in many parts of the world. it was also due to the climatic conditions at the time, favouring the growth of the blight fungus, colder, damper, heavy rainfall over several seasons. Ideal conditions for the growth of the fungus and its spread due to droplet dispersal.
22 Jan, 2013
Moray is an area where large numbers of seed potatoes are grown and the farmers are vigilant regarding blight. W grow organically and buy our seed tatties from Garden Organic. Last year we had blight in our potatoes which was totally down to the weather conditions. We also had eel worm for the first time...
22 Jan, 2013
I'd keep them somewhere cool and dark for another few weeks. Then use apple trays or similar to lay out the potatoes individually somewhere cool but light. The reasoning behind chitting main crop potatoes is to give them a start when you actually plant them. It isn't necessary for early potatoes but can still be done. In fact it isn't a necessity for any potato just gets them going more quickly.
19 Jan, 2013