By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have been looking at the veg seed packets sowing and planting guides and have noticed that they mention continuous sowing over a period of 2 months or so for a longer crop what want to know how often I should sow seeds apart i.e. every two weeks the veg I was looking at were peas, carrots, cauliflower, and Toms.
25 Jan, 2013
beat me to it boltardy!
25 Jan, 2013
Yup totally agree with Bolthardy.
25 Jan, 2013
I would disagree about carrots.
If you choose suitable varieties,ie, early, maincrop a single sowing can last from June to September.
The varieties I grow, Tender Snax and Giant Flakee, I sow end of March, they are ready for picking mid July and continue until September/October when they are then picked and stored for winter. Tender snax I pick first.
I found with continuous sowing, you don't get as good a crop with later sowings.
26 Jan, 2013
Remember to find a sweep to get some soot !
26 Jan, 2013
Have searched T&Ms seed catalogue for Tender Snax and Giant Flakee - no luck.
Where did you buy this seed please ?
26 Jan, 2013
Tender Snax
Giant Flakee
26 Jan, 2013
They are both available from plants of distinction.
Quite a good choice of other veg seeds, especially tomoatoes.
26 Jan, 2013
Thank you. I had never heard of them.
Will contact.
27 Jan, 2013
ive got Chantenay Red Core Carrot seeds and it says on the packet..... Sow outdoors march - june....Repeat at 2 week intervals for a continuous supply.
Spacing 4 inch /10cm apart in rows allowing 12 inch/30cm between rows....Water after thinning to replace the soil around the roots....Harvest June to November...Tip Keep soil moist but DONOT over water as this causes the roots to split...... Thin plants in the evenings to avoid damage from carrot root fly
27 Jan, 2013
hi steve ....toms can be grown in one sowing as they fruit at different times on the vine cauliflowers just sow a few every couple of weeks as they all come the same time peas are the same two or three sowings ( peas are a good veg to freeze though ) so carrots every couple of weeks so you have a continuos supply , and watch out for the carrot fly
25 Jan, 2013