CorydalisA question for anyone who grows Corydalis
By Scottish
A question for anyone who grows Corydalis (this is going to sound daft, I know, but it's just for curiosity) I have two Corydalis just showing and I'm a bit confussed, just about the plant not in!
I only remember planting Corydalis Beth Evans in that area. I did have Corydalis malkensis (?) but could have sworn that I planted it up elsewhere.
Anyway - it appears that the tips of the one I suspect is Beth Evans is a pinky colour and on the other it looks white. Could I have been mistaken and actually planted C. malkensis or does the colours change as it get bigger?

5 Feb, 2013
That's very early, Kath! I must look and see if mine has started to appear.
5 Feb, 2013
there are no signs of my beth evans I hope I havent lost it.
but your description sounds right to me too.
5 Feb, 2013
Our C. malkensis is flowering now, but Beth Evans and the other solida types are only just appearing above soil level.
5 Feb, 2013
I just found a malkensis in flower. It still has a lot of growing to do, though.
6 Feb, 2013
Thanks all - I must have planted it here...doh!
Bulbaholic - glad you've found yours in flower, you might have missed it had I not asked the question :)
Spritz - I wasn't sure when they appear, only new last spring. Hope yours is ok. I'm Angie - Scotkat is Kath :)
SBG - I'm sure she will be there, just needing an extra bit rest this winter :)
Owdboggy - thank you - Does your normally flower this early?
6 Feb, 2013
My C.malkensis does usually flower around now, that is the one out in the garden. Strangely the one I grew in a pot in the Alpine House has only just appeared above soil level.
Actually I am glad you mentioned Corydalis. It got me to go and look at my potted C. solida. They are all just beginning to show above the gravel topping. I would love to build up a collection of the different forms of this plant (C. solida that is), but the main sources for buying them have prices which are well out of my reach. Ah well.
6 Feb, 2013
That's a shame Owdboggy. Had a look at some of the prices. They can be a bit expensive for a tuber. I do like them and will like them even more if they do well :) my local nursery (Binnys) only has Beth Evans on his website but you never know he may have something different next time I'm in!
6 Feb, 2013
Have a look here for a long list of them.
7 Feb, 2013
For the really determined grower probably the largest list of C solida is offered by Janis Rucksans. The trouble is he is in Latvia, the bulbs are not cheap and you have to pay by bankers draft or something similar. However, his stock is of the highest quality.
7 Feb, 2013
Sorry I got your name wrong! <blush, blush>.
9 Feb, 2013
Don't worry about it Spritz - so long as it's nothing nasty it doesn't matter :)
9 Feb, 2013
9 Feb, 2013
??? That sounds right, Scottish. 'Beth Evans' is a pinkish colour and malkensis is white flowered. I don't think ours have even appeared yet.
5 Feb, 2013