By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Lost label but what is it?
This is sending up 3/4 reddish shoots, which at this stage look a little sweetpea like. But not sown any so I know its not that. No obvious corm/bulb/rhizome either.
So any suggestions please.

10 Feb, 2013
Didn't I send you some Lathyrus vernus seeds last year? They do indeed look like L. vernus.
10 Feb, 2013
Oh the mystery is solved then!Thats why they look like sweet peas! It's great sometimes when you have mystery shoots they can turn out to be anything............
little shop of horrors? We can never remember what and where we have planted Spring bulbs [ senior moments aplenty] so it's always a surprise when hyacinths and tulips pop up.
10 Feb, 2013
No its not fresh seed and the pot has been there since october, something I potted up.
I didnt get to sowing the seed and I know I havent lifted any fron the 3 places in the garden where I have them.
10 Feb, 2013
Your just going to have to wait a wee bit longer :)
10 Feb, 2013
Could it be Impatiens omeiana? I know I had a pot of it given by a friend. I cant find that anywhere, though there are several 'dead looking' pots that it might be.
10 Feb, 2013
Sorry - you'll just have to be patient!
11 Feb, 2013
But Sbg is a gardener, Spritz. What gardener is patient!
11 Feb, 2013
I know I'm not :)
11 Feb, 2013
ha ha thats funny BA.
Finished digging the conifer bed despite the cold east wind that shows how impatient I am :o)
11 Feb, 2013
...or crazy! LOL.
13 Feb, 2013
shush you will let my secret out Spritz.
hoping to tidy up some of the other borders today before yet more snow . I am going to go into work tomorrow if there is snow overnight. Do some lab preps. Might be able to take daughter in or she might go out with some of her friends.
13 Feb, 2013
this was Impatiens omeiana, now planted out in the garden. and coming through again. :o)
5 May, 2014
Oh good, at least we know now! :-))
6 May, 2014
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It looks as it has come from an established root rather than a recently sown seed. Our Lathrus vernus is just coming through now and looks similar.
10 Feb, 2013