By Shirlwhirl
United Kingdom
Can I ask a question that is not gardening?!!
My son in law is going to a place called Kota Kinabalu in Borneo next month. We would like to know a bit about the place if anyone knows it from eprsonal experience.
Forgive me that it is not about gardening, but there are people from all over the world on here, I just thought SOMEONE MIGHT KNOW IT!!
23 Feb, 2013
Thank you both, I am sure we could find quite a lot on Google,Moon Growe, but it's nice to know the personal opinion and maybe they could say "now don't miss this or don't miss that when you go there" - you know what I mean :))
My son in law is actually going there to be best man at a wedding, but making a bit of a trip of it as well!!
23 Feb, 2013
Try Holidays uncovered website and trip advisor website
24 Feb, 2013
Our son was there years ago but in the military at the time... I'd follow up on Steveg's suggestions.
24 Feb, 2013
Your best bet is to do a Google search to get as much info as possible...
23 Feb, 2013