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Lanarkshire, United Kingdom Gb

Hi again folks!--Question time again!
I've a long side border,(Central Scotland) but with an awkward curve in it--I'm considering "opening it up" removing some of the moss infested lawn, into a wider curve--need to improve drainage!!. I was considering making a rose bed--maybe a climber against the fence and Hybrid Teas in front--or are roses "out of fashion" these days? . The area is west facing so quite sunny in afternoon. Also at one end is a 2 year old Pyracantha against the fence and about 5ft tall--but never a single berry--any advice

Over to you good people

Take Care and thanks
Ian H

2nd_march_should_i_reshape_border_for_roses Sat_2nd_march_2013_008 Pyracantha_no_berries_1_3.13



Re the pyracantha, if you prune it, when do you do it? If you prune before the flowers come, then you'll be cutting off any chance of berries. Or has it never even flowered?

As for roses, well, whether they're in fashion or not is irrelevent I think - if you like them and don't mind high maintenance, prickly plants which always seem to be suffering from something or other, look dreadful in winter, but if you're lucky, produce great flowers here and there, then go for it. I expect you can tell how I feel about roses, lol!
If you decide you really do want roses, they need a fair bit of space, so you'd need to enlarge the bed considerably, judging by the photos. Roses need good airflow all around and through their growth, otherwise the incidence of fungal infection is greatly increased.

2 Mar, 2013


Also if you go for roses check their flowering season. Some flower gloriously in June and then finish and some repeat flower through the whole season. They also come in lots of different heights so if you are new to roses its a good plan to look at some reputable catalogues before choosing. Agree your border needs to be wider whatever you decide to do. (And fewer wiggles mean easier mowing!)

2 Mar, 2013


Oh yes, I' definitely widen that out, and it's west facing so you could go to town there! Some roses are definitely worth the effort...a couple of my most successful are Lady Emma Hamilton and queen of Sweden. The pilgrim is wonderful, and Shropshire Lad is a stunning climber, as is Graham Thomas. Rambler Veilchenblau is almost evergreen. A good few colours there for you to think about! Can't help you with the pyracanthus...mine look just like yours, but tbh I don't like em anyway! For berries I have a much better time with cotoneaster. If it was me, I'd plant a mixed border for all year around interest with a mix of evergreen flowering things, climbers and perennials and some evergreen grasses like carex...and some easy perennials like hardy geraniums for long-flowering. Have fun!

3 Mar, 2013

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