By Franie
United Kingdom
My fig tree gets lots of figs but they hardly ever ripen before the frosts. It faces south but is shaded by the house from about noon. Any advice?
11 Mar, 2013
We have a fig in the glasshouse at Glamis Castle, and even it doesn't ripen facing south in a greenhouse. You really need a warm, long summer for figs I think....and to be in the south!
11 Mar, 2013
I'm lucky with my Fig Tree, I'm in Leigh-on-Sea Essex, & have had lots of lovely juicy figs off mine, it gets the sun all day, Ha! That is when we do have SUN LOL :o))
12 Mar, 2013
How lovely LadyEssex. I remember seeing some absolute beauties in Kent...near to Canterbury.
12 Mar, 2013
Many thanks for your comments. Not much I can do about the sunshine and it looks as if there might be yet another disappointing year. Wish I'd never planted it!
18 Mar, 2013
Don' despair Franie...the only certain thing about our weather is that it's always uncertain!
19 Mar, 2013
They do like to be in full sun :o)
11 Mar, 2013