By Peteg
United Kingdom
Runner Beans. Hi everyone - Does anyone, in cooler climates like UK, overwinter runner bean tubers for replanting in spring? Is there any advantage to this method over raising new plants from seed? Nice Mr Google gives conflicting information ...
17 Mar, 2013
I've grown runner beans for years, and it never even occurred to me to try and overwinter them!
17 Mar, 2013
Yes you can definitely save the actual seeds Snoopd. Thinking about it runner beans do not have tubers!
18 Mar, 2013
I have heard of people re-planting the old runner bean roots and have had them start to re-grow in the spring. I know that beans being legumes fix nitrogen in the soil, I have always composted the old roots in the hope that they might add something to the compost. When my father was alive he always saved the seed from pods that had seven or eight beans in them.
18 Mar, 2013
some may not die and therefore may resprout in a mild year. but in the uk they are pretty much treated as annuals. they do not produce tubers however. they do get root nodules with the bacterium Rhizobium living inside them to fix nitrogen.
18 Mar, 2013
Thanks, All! Sorry, I used the term tuber - root is what it is. Apparently, in (much) warmer climes, RBs can be treated as perrenials and some people in temperate areas report mediocre results by lifting the roots, over wintering frost-free, then replanting in spring. Earlier crops than with seeds, apparently, but if only mediocre then I'll stick with seeds.
Spring tomorrow, then ... HAH!
Thanks again, All
19 Mar, 2013
So far as I am aware you need to sow new seed of your runner beans every year... they won't survive the winter!
17 Mar, 2013