By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
In the spring I would like to make a dry garden bed as last year we was short of rain all summer long, what plants would you suggest I buy and what soil preperation should I sort out. Any info would be useful, wish someone lived near me for advice too, anyone live in Leigh-on-Sea LOL Picture is the area I want to re-vamp. Jackie x

9 Jan, 2010
Our whole garden is dry, even after very heavy, the soil is only moist for about the 2 inches at the top. I find that hardy geraniums are very happy, and lychnis which I love, that is Lychnis Coronaria with silver grey foliage. Also a lot of the Hebe's are pretty good in dry soil.
Seems strange talking about dry soil just now eh?
9 Jan, 2010
Are you near enough to visit Beth Chattos garden, Ladyessex ?
I was going to say if you are, go along and see hers ..... i've only seen it in books but hers would give you great inspiration :-))))
9 Jan, 2010
Hi Jackie, Happy birthday for Jan 12th. As soon as your ground is frost free, dig in plenty of humus with grit for drainage. If your ground gets compacted it will fill up with water with heavy rain and will dry out rock hard afterwards. On the top of the bed put 20 mil aggregate (small pebbles), leaving the top lower than ground level. In the first year try annuals like Livingstone Daisy, Limnanthes (poached egg plants). Alpines, Arabis, Gypsophilia Tenuifolia, Saxifraga Paniculata, Sedum Stonecrop, Sempervivum Houseleeks. As above all good ideas.
9 Jan, 2010
No one has mentioned Thyme which comes in a huge variety of forms, leaf colour and from white to deep red in flower colour.
9 Jan, 2010
Louise - that was going to be my suggestion too. Also the RHS Garden at Hyde Hall has to deal with dry conditions
9 Jan, 2010
Thankyou All. I will print off a copy and use your suggestions when spring is here. Also visit Hyde Hall & Beth Shattos Garden too.
Jackie x
10 Jan, 2010
Lavender and Rosemary might be a good start - fragrant and they don't seem to need much water - as for soil, I don't think they mind!
9 Jan, 2010