Hi All,Have not been ib the best of health for a few months but on the mend now
By Spader
United Kingdom
Hi All,
Have not been in the best of health for a few months but on the mend now,a (little) old age may be creeping on.
The joints are not asstrong now as they used to be.
Anyway,may I wish you all a Healthy Happy New year.
Now,If you can remember I sent in this question below in 2011.............."I have a Clematis "Little White Charm" evergreen that has been in the garden (ground) now for a couple of years,I never trim it back and now only get new growth coming from the top.
My question is do I trim it right back and when.?
There are no new shoots anywhere near the top 3/4 of the plant.
21 Mar, 2013
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Thank you for your reply,very wary would suit.
The flowers are starting to show now small white ones. so as you say i wiil leave and cut back when finished.
Many Thanks,
21 Mar, 2013
And once it's into new growth, give it a nice juicy mulch of compost as a reward. Clematis love it. That is a vigorous species. I suspect it wants feeding.
23 Mar, 2013
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generally if it flowers mid summer onwards then chop it down now and it should regrow from the base. if it is a spring flowerer then prune back after flowering
if you are a bit wary of a big chop then cut 1/3 of the stems down and then as they resprout they will hide some of the bare bits. then another 1/3 next yr and so on.
21 Mar, 2013