By Awesomea
United States
why is a bulb called a bulb?
26 Mar, 2013
Because it is bulbous.
That is - "Fat, round, or bulging."
Hence bulb-shaped: Like a 'bulb' or indeed a lightbulb.
27 Mar, 2013
Which word came first though, Fractal?
27 Mar, 2013
The word comes from the Greek 'bolbos' which means onion.
Ask the ancient Greeks why they used that word!
27 Mar, 2013
lol Owdb!
27 Mar, 2013
Good question, Bulbaholic...
The answer is chicken. Or is it egg?
One of those! :)
28 Mar, 2013
28 Mar, 2013
Because it has a 'bulb' like shape! Not sure what you are actually asking Awesome... You could equally ask why is a 'pig' called a 'pig'. This is the RHS definition of a 'bulb'
26 Mar, 2013