By Busylizzy
Has anyone any advice on planting a willow arch? I want to divide part of the garden and have read that you can plant willow which is easily manipulated into an arch shape - is it easily grown, cared for? Does it take over? Any advice would be most welcome, thanks.
11 Jan, 2010
Oh cool Jac - I'll have a look and see. Thanks.
11 Jan, 2010
Yw hope ul find what your looking 4 :)
11 Jan, 2010
Hello Busy, we've had a go at making a living willow arch. See my pic - second page, 2nd or 3rd row down. We set willows about 8 years ago and coppice them each year but this year I talked husband into making an arch. I think it will look better when in leaf - there are about 4 pairs of willows. :-)
11 Jan, 2010
Thank you Dawnsaunt - I will head off to look at your pics
11 Jan, 2010
definatly keep it cropped as the roots get invasive in a can if your alowed and after this snow has gone go and cut some of last years new growth and plant about 10-12" and before spring.this will grow new leaves fairly strate away but not realy settle in for a year or so.water well for at least the first year.i have a head i built in my front garden thats about 5` tall.i built it within an old single frame swing .it became the frame for trees i grew round it.i found my cherry,eucalypt excuse my spelling and twisted hazle have done realy well being twisted hard round the frame covering it nicley.the willow however did not enjoy being twisted hard round the frame and actualy died of so when you do your arch id suggest not bending it to much .just like a realy loose pony tail if you like.good luck anyway take care bye for now.i have pictures that you can look at.
12 Jan, 2010
Thanks so much Noseypotter - thats a good amount of info - do you have the pictures on GoY?
12 Jan, 2010
yes i have pictures in my goy account and maybe on my web site at . if you dont find it ill take some more pictures and do another blog .take care bye for now .
12 Jan, 2010
great advice NP...and im looking forward to those pics/blog.....
25 Jan, 2010
me to ill do them but my friend has some on his camera that i want before i get a compelation sandra
25 Jan, 2010
i can wait...;-))
25 Jan, 2010
dont worry you wont have to last long sandra xx
26 Jan, 2010
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Hi Liz i remember GOY member Majeekahead makeing a Willow Tepe !! Just type her name into the Google Search Bar Top Rite & go into her Blogs the 1 u want is called Garden Projects 2009 part 4 :) Hope itl help Jacx
11 Jan, 2010